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Fiscal Year <br />Ended <br />Decemebr 31 <br />3004 <br />3005 <br />?006 <br />3007 <br />200R <br />2009 <br />2010 <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />2013 <br />City of Roseville <br />Property Tax Levies and Collections <br />Last Ten Fiscal Years <br />(amounts expressed in whole dollars) <br />Collected within the <br />Fiscal Year of the Levy <br />Total Tax Total Collections to Date <br />Levy for Percentage Collections from Collections in Percentage <br />Fiscal Year Amount of Levy Homestead Credit Subsequent Years Amount of Levy <br />$ 9,760,674 $ 9,249,016 94.76�Io $ 0 $ 0$ 9,249,016 94.76°Io <br />10,637,965 9,R6h,249 92.75�Io 0 0 9,866,249 92.75�Io <br />11,169,865 10,6R4,682 95.66�Io 0 0 10,684,6R2 95.66�Io <br />11,696,360 11,246,ll6 96.15�10 423,246 0 11,669,362 99.77�Io <br />12,R96,360 L,305,759 95.42�Io 402,4AR 0 12,707,947 9A.54�Io <br />13,13R,R60 12,553,187 95.54°Io 0 0 12,553,1R7 95.5470 <br />14,2R2,404 14,099,407 98.72°Io 0 0 14,099,407 9RJ2�7o <br />14,703,044 13,501,068 91.R2°Io 0 0 13,501,06R 91.R2�Io <br />14,962,294 14,814,570 99.01�10 0 0 14,814,570 99.O1�Io <br />17,319,R26 16,R61,R41 97.36�70 0 0 16,R61,R41 97.36�Io <br />117 <br />