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CTTY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />COMBINING STATEMENT �F REVENUES, EXPENDTTURES, AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES <br />NON-MAJOR GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 <br />SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS <br />Total <br />Tele- License Charitable Information NonMajor <br />Communications Center Gambling Technology Funds <br />REVENUES <br />Licenses & permits $ 0$ 0$ 125 $ 0$ 125 <br />Gambling taxes 0 0 76,272 0 76,272 <br />Charges for services 0 1,343,515 0 1,158,149 2,501,664 <br />Cable franchise taxes 424,812 0 0 0 424,812 <br />Donations 0 0 79,522 0 79,522 <br />Investmentincome 1,316 3,841 4 1,124 6,285 <br />Net increase(decrease) in the fair value <br />of investments (19,048) (33,716) (509) (14,989) (68,262) <br />Miscellaneous 0 0 0 474,779 474,779 <br />Total revenues 407,080 1,313,640 155,414 1,619,063 3,495,197 <br />E?�PENDITURES <br />Current <br />General government 413,543 1,129,024 135,952 1,561,313 3,239,832 <br />Excess of revenues over <br />(under) eRpenditures <br />OTHER FINANCING <br />SOURCES (USES) <br />Transfersin <br />Transfers (out) <br />Total other financing <br />sources (uses) <br />Net change in fund balances <br />Fund balances - beginning <br />Fund balances - ending <br />(6,463) 184,616 19,462 57,750 255,365 <br />0 0 0 75,000 75,000 <br />0 (50,000) 0 0 (50,000) <br />0 (50,000) 0 75,000 25,000 <br />(6,463) 134,616 19,462 132,750 280,365 <br />591,108 790,951 (29,777) 226,365 1,578,647 <br />� 584_645 � 925_567 (103151 � 359_115 1.859.01' <br />84 <br />