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City uf Ruseville, Minnesota <br />DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING GOVERNMENTAL ACT1V1T1ES DEBT <br />As of December 31 _ 2013 <br />Covernmental Unit <br />Direct Debt: <br />City of Roseville <br />Overlapping Debt* <br />School District#621 <br />School District#623 <br />Special School District#916 <br />Mctropolitan Council <br />Mctropolitan Airports Commission <br />Ramscy Counry <br />Total Overlapping Debt <br />Total Direct and Overlapping Debt <br />Cross Debt <br />Net of Refunding <br />$ 30,780,000 $ <br />Table 13 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />Unaudited <br />Cash Held Net Percentage Amount <br />in Debt Debt Applicable Applicable <br />Service Fund Outstanding to Roseville to Roseville <br />2,715,758 $ 28,064,242 100% $ 28,064,242 <br />$ 109,550,000 $ 12,893,101 $ 96,656,899 8% $ 7,732,552 <br />41,585,000 1,807,189 39,777,811 61% 24,264,465 <br />2,695,000 475,383 2,219,617 8% 177,569 <br />1,507,019,856 350,189,864 1,156,829,992 1% 11,568,300 <br />1,350,710,000 193,507,529 1,157,202,471 1% 11,572,025 <br />2U6,362,000 25,048,840 181,313,160 9°/a 16,318,184 <br />3,217,921,856 583,921,906 2,633,999,950 71,633,095 <br />$ 3,248,701,856 $ 586,637,664 $ 2,662,064,192 $ 99,697,337 <br />*Notc. Ovcrlapping govcrnmcnts arc thosc that coincidc, at lcast in part, with thc gcographic boundarics of thc city. This schcdulc <br />catimatcs thc portion of thc outstanding dcbt of thosc ovcrlapping govcrnmcnts that is bornc by thc residcnts and busincsscs of thc <br />City of Roscvillc. This proccss rccognizcs that, whcn considcring thc govcrmncnt's ability to issuc and repay long-tcrn� dcbt, thc <br />cntirc dcbt bm�dcn bornc by thc residcnts and busincsscs should bc takcn into account. Howcvcr, this docs not imply that cvciy <br />taxpaycr is a residcnt, and thcrcforc responsiblc for rcpaying thc dcbt, of cach ovcrlapping govcrnmcnt. <br />118 <br />