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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANClAL STATEMENTS <br />December 31, 2014 <br />Annual debt service requirements to maturity for general obligation debt are as follows: <br />Year Ending <br />December 31 <br />2015 <br />2016 <br />2017 <br />2018 <br />2019 <br />2020-2024 <br />Government Activities <br />General Obligation Bonds <br />Principal Interest <br />$ 2,300,000 $ 779,749 <br />2,355,000 728,425 <br />2,420,000 679,277 <br />2,460,000 632,547 <br />2,510,000 578,740 <br />9,310,000 1,991,708 <br />Certificate of <br />Indebtedness <br />Principal Interest <br />$ 295,000 $ 37,785 <br />305,000 27,508 <br />315,000 16,893 <br />325,000 5,769 <br />2025-2028 8,185,000 491,918 - - <br />Total $ 29,540,000 $ 5,882,364 $1,240,000 $ 87,955 <br />Chan�es in long-term liabilities <br />Beginning <br />Balance <br />Governmental Activities: <br />Bonds payable: <br />General obligation bonds <br />Premium on GO bonds <br />Special assessment debt <br />with gov't commitment <br />Total bonds payable <br />General obligation certificate <br />of indebtedness <br />Net Pension Obligation OPEB <br />Compensated absences <br />lnsurance claims payable <br />Governmental activities - <br />Long-term liabilities <br />Business-Type Activities: <br />Compensated absences <br />Net OPEB obligation <br />Business type activities- <br />Long-term liabilities <br />$ 35,385,000 <br />1,542,216 <br />225,000 <br />37,152,216 <br />Ending Due Within <br />Additions Reductions Balance One Year <br />$ - $ 5,845,000 $ 29,540,000 $ 2,300,000 <br />- 128,592 1,413,624 128,592 <br />- 225,000 - - <br />- 6,198,592 30,953,624 2,428,592 <br />1,525,000 - 285,000 1,240,000 295,000 <br />687,076 131,887 - 818,963 - <br />1,481,262 1,207,511 1,144,274 1,544,499 308,900 <br />430,013 792,243 516,749 705,507 162,818 <br />$ 41,275,567 $ 2,131,641 $ 8,144,615 $ 35,262,593 $ 3,195,310 <br />127,561 93,979 109,105 ll2,435 22,487 <br />56,251 10,798 - 67,049 - <br />$ 183,812 $ 104,777 $ 109,105 $ 179,484 $ 22,487 <br />