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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANClAL STATEMENTS <br />December 31, 2014 <br />Under state statutes, if the City fails to provide the required funding, the Association may <br />submit a levy to the county auditor in an amount equal to the city requirement, to be levied on <br />all property within the city. A six year schedule of contributions follows: <br />Year <br />2009 <br />2010 <br />2011 <br />2012 <br />2013 <br />2014 <br />Schedule of Contributions <br />SiY Year Period <br />Minnesota City Annual <br />State Aid of Roseville Total Pension <br />Contnbutions Contnbutions Contnbutions Cost (APC) <br />$ 143,353 <br />148,002 <br />145,733 <br />147,754 <br />209,011 <br />266,800 <br />$ 63,875 <br />216,500 <br />166,284 <br />205,630 <br />89,221 <br />72,817 <br />$ 207,228 <br />364,502 <br />312,017 <br />353,384 <br />298,232 <br />339,617 <br />$ 539,171 <br />365,932 <br />326,076 <br />312,995 <br />194,372 <br />124,489 <br />Percentage <br />ofAPC <br />Contnbuted <br />38.4% <br />99.6% <br />95.7% <br />112.9% <br />153.4% <br />272.8% <br />N et <br />Pension <br />Obligation <br />$ (178,263) <br />(176,833) <br />(162,774) <br />(203,163) <br />(307,023) <br />(522,151) <br />The Minnesota State Aid contribution to the Roseville Firefighter's relief association is <br />recorded as a revenue and expenditure in the General fund of the Ciry. The Ciry's <br />contribution to the Roseville Firefighter's relief association is also recorded as expenditure in <br />the General fund of the City. The Roseville Firefighter's relief association is comprised of <br />volunteers who are considered non-benefit earning employees of the City of Roseville. <br />Therefore, the Ciry has no on-behalf payments of fringe benefits and salaries. <br />D. Annual pension cost and net pension obligation <br />The annual pension cost and net pension obligation for the current year were as follows: <br />Annual required contnbution <br />Interest on net pension obligation <br />Adjustment t� annual required contribution <br />Annual pension cost <br />Contributions made <br />Increase (decrease) in net pension obligation <br />Negative net pension obfigation beginnuig ofyear <br />Negative net pension obligation end of year <br />$ 115,204 <br />(15,351) <br />24,636 <br />124,489 <br />(339,617) <br />(215,128) <br />(307,023) <br />$ (522,151) <br />The annual required contribution was determined as part of the January 1, 2014 actuarial valuation. <br />The actuarial assumptions included (a) 5% investment rate of return (net of administrative expenses); <br />(b) a mortality table of the 1983 Group Annuity Mortality Table for Males and Females; (c) <br />termination of 6 percent rate from age 20-30, grading to no terminations after age 50. In addition, <br />20% of employees are assumed to terminate during each of the first three years of their employment; <br />(d) disability rates based upon 75 percent of the Railroad Retirement Board Disability Rates; (e) entry <br />age actuarial cost method based upon age on employment date; (g) retirement age based upon the <br />65 <br />