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City of Roseville, Minnesota <br />HOUSING & REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />BALANCE SHEET- DISCRETELY PRESENTED COMPONENT UNIT <br />December 31, 2014 <br />ASSETS <br />Cash and cash equivalents <br />Restricted investments <br />Cash held in escrow <br />Receivables <br />Investment interesi <br />Accounts receivable <br />Taxes <br />Special assessments <br />Notes <br />Assets held for resale <br />TOTALASSETS <br />LIABILITIES <br />Accounts payable <br />Deposits payable <br />Total Liabilities <br />DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES <br />Unavailable Revenue - property taxe� <br />FUND BALANCE <br />Nonspendable for: <br />Long term receivables <br />Assets held for resale <br />Unassigned <br />Total Fund Balances <br />TOTAL LIABILITIES, DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCES, <br />AND FUND BALANCES <br />Other long term assets are not available to pay for current-period expenditure: <br />and therefore, are tleferred or are not reported in the func <br />Statement 15 <br />(Page 1 of 1) <br />General <br />1,691,033 <br />637,611 <br />1,202 <br />1,458 <br />8,435 <br />2,073 <br />1,016,086 <br />659,810 <br />4,017,708 <br />1,217 <br />1,217 <br />7,407 <br />1,016,086 <br />659,810 <br />2,333,188 <br />4,009,084 <br />4,017,708 <br />7,407 <br />Net position of governmental activities 4,016,491 <br />