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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,January 29,2018 <br /> Page 11 <br /> Ron Grajczyk, Met Council representative, stated the Met Council takes into ac- <br /> count the depth of the pipe. There is a lot of math done to be sure it is done <br /> properly. There are a number of techniques and processes that the contractor has <br /> done before. Where they have the opportunity to assess a site, they may use an <br /> electric pump (which use a generator) versus a gas-powered pump. It is also rec- <br /> ommended that the contractor uses sound walls and dividers to help diffuse the <br /> noise. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked about the communication process with the City, <br /> as the contractor is making decisions. <br /> Mr. Grajczyk noted there is an extensive communication in place, to make sure <br /> information is given to all area residents. The staff is also happy to meet with res- <br /> idents themselves and walk the site with them. <br /> Mayor Roe reviewed protocol for the purpose of receiving public input on the <br /> above-referenced noise ordinance; and opened the public hearing at approximate- <br /> ly 7:40 p.m. <br /> Public Comment <br /> Written comments via mail dated January 4 and January 23, 2018 respectively <br /> were received from Angie Garcia on her behalf as well as from Nancy Garcia, <br /> 2988 Troseth Road, both with concerns about the noise variance. <br /> Melissa Schumacher,3071 Avon Street <br /> Ms. Schumacher commented there is a lot of vagueness in the information the res- <br /> idents received, specifically about the impact to the driveways and the length of <br /> the project. She also noted that the Met Council's brochure arrived in the mail on <br /> January 22nd, which was the date of the previously scheduled Council meeting. <br /> She indicated that is not adequate communication, and Roseville residents deserve <br /> more. <br /> Mayor Roe closed the public hearing at approximately 7:43 p.m., with no one else <br /> appearing for or against. <br /> Council Discussion <br /> Mr. Grajczyk noted the information sent to the residents displays an overexagger- <br /> ated temporary conveyance line so that residents can clearly delineate what is the <br /> pipe versus what is the line in the street. The design information means the tem- <br /> porary conveyance lines will have an 18-inch-diameter pipe. The intention is to <br /> make sure the residents will always be able to get into their driveways. There <br /> may be intermittent times during the middle of the day where they may not be <br /> able to access it,but the residents will always be able to get to their home. <br />