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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, January 29, 2018 <br /> Page 14 <br /> e. Discuss Legislative Priorities with Legislative Delegation <br /> Mayor Roe welcomed Senator John Marty, of Senate District 66. Apologies were <br /> given from Rep. Jamie Becker-Finn who has a sick child, and Rep. Alice Haus- <br /> man is attending a performance by a grandchild, so both are unable to attend. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon asked for the Council to have a dialogue with Senator <br /> Marty about Roseville's legislative priorities this year. <br /> Mayor Roe outlined the following 2018 Roseville priorities: <br /> • Seek financial support for capital improvements for the state and regional as- <br /> set of the Guidant John Rose Minnesota OVAL and support facilities through <br /> the 2020 State Bonding Bill <br /> • Enact Statewide Licensing of Massage Therapists <br /> • Allowing a Taproom and Cocktail Room on the same premise. <br /> • Allow Municipal Hotel Licensing <br /> • Amend State Building Code Chapter 1306 to Allow Municipalities to Require <br /> Sprinkler Systems in R-2 (Multi-Family) Occupancy Groups. <br /> • Reimburse Deputy Registrars for excess costs associated with the deployment <br /> of the Minnesota Licensing and Registration System(MNLARS) <br /> • Expand"Pathways to Policing"Program <br /> • Advocate for an increase in Transportation Funding <br /> • Improve Absentee Balloting <br /> • Fund the DEED Redevelopment Grant Program and the Demolition Loan <br /> Program <br /> • Create presumptive coverage for Firefighters diagnosed with cancer <br /> • Improve transparency of information property tax notices sent by counties <br /> Council Discussion with Senator Marty <br /> Senator Marty asked about sprinklers in existing multi-family buildings. <br /> Mayor Roe explained that a minority of those buildings have sprinklers. They are <br /> required in new construction, but rehabbed buildings are still not required to in- <br /> stall sprinklers. <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that Aon's rehabbed 120-unit building was not <br /> sprinkled. <br /> Senator Marty noted there will probably be legislation for the deputy registrars' <br /> excessive cost reimbursement. It was noted that there are approximately$40,000 <br /> in unreimbursed costs by Roseville deputy registrars to date. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the transportation funding issues is a broad category, impacting <br /> municipalities in a number of areas, including transit and roads. <br />