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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
2/28/2018 2:20:38 PM
Creation date
2/28/2018 2:17:45 PM
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Public Works Commission
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493 Member Wozniak inquired if having the ice center puts them in a different universe <br />494 than most other municipalities for electric use and the number may not be feasible. <br />495 <br />496 Mr. Culver noted it takes more energy to run the Skating Center than a typical ice <br />497 arena, and they could include language that excludes it. They need to look at it <br />498 closer and come up with a more reasonable number. <br />499 <br />500 Chair Cihacek suggested the consolidate items 1.2 and 1.3. He also stated he does <br />501 not understand item 1.4 unless the City is going to own the community's solar <br />502 garden. He suggested it either be refined or taken out. <br />503 <br />504 Mr. Culver suggested it be changed to, "Promote community solar participation <br />505 within the city through outreach and education." <br />506 <br />507 Chair Cihacek stated it is up to the power company to provide information on solar <br />508 power to the residents. <br />509 <br />510 Member Wozniak disagreed with Chair Cihacek and stated the idea of solar power <br />511 could include something that is privately owned that aresident may want to support <br />512 but may not have access to the information. <br />513 <br />514 Chair Cihacek stated they should not promote resident buying into community solar <br />515 garden, but rather have a general conversation about solar power and how it works. <br />516 He suggested the language be changed to, "Educate and promote solar power." <br />517 <br />518 Member Heimerl agreed with Chair Cihacek and stated they should not be telling <br />519 people to put their money in certain private entities. Right now, community solar <br />520 gardens may be good, but may not be in five years. <br />521 <br />522 �' Mr. Culver stated they will be more vague with item 1.4 in promoting solar through <br />523 outreach and education. <br />524 <br />525 Chair Cihacek noted none of the other policies in this section address any other <br />526 types renewable energy besides solar. He suggested they include a bullet point on <br />527 an incentive for housing stock renewal. <br />528 <br />529 Member Wozniak stated they could include building permitting approval. He <br />530 inquired if there was something City staff would do to assist a resident if they were <br />531 to come in with a proposal to add solar. <br />532 <br />533 Mr. Culver commented the Metropolitan Council required them to specifically talk <br />534 about solar. He noted under item 1.5, the SolSmart Bronze Level addresses <br />535 providing resources and simplifying permitting processes for residents and <br />536 businesses to install solar on their homes and buildings. <br />537 <br />Page 12 of 15 <br />
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