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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
2/28/2018 2:22:38 PM
Creation date
2/28/2018 2:22:18 PM
Commission/Authority Name
Public Works Commission
Commission/Committee - Document Type
Commission/Committee - Meeting Date
Commission/Committee - Meeting Type
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170 Mr. Goodwin responded it has not been discussed, but the truck may not be small <br />171 enough to make it work. This type of collection could be done with a pickup truck <br />172 or golf cart. <br />173 <br />174 Member Seigler commented it seems there are not a lot of people using the trails <br />175 and it is expensive to go out on them for pickups. He inquired if it even makes <br />176 sense to have a recyclable container on the trails. <br />177 <br />178 Mr. Goodwin responded if they take away the recycling containers, the recycling <br />179 will go in the trash carts. They need to consider the benefit of collecting the <br />180 recycling and the fact there is a lot of people that want recycling in the parks. They <br />181 currently have one smaller truck and will acquire a second one in February. <br />182 <br />183 Chair Cihacek stated they are still trying to figure out what the right size is for <br />184 collection frequency. The smaller truck is used for other purposes, so the cost is <br />185 already lower. <br />186 <br />187 Mr. Goodwin stated they could also decrease the number of recycling containers <br />188 along the trails, but they would need to make sure the lack of containers does not <br />189 create litter problems. <br />190 <br />191 In response to Member Wozniak, Mr. Johnson explained the Parks staff collects <br />192 trash along the trails once or twice a week and brings it to designated dumpsters but <br />193 does not pick up the recycling. <br />194 <br />195 Mr. Culver responded that Parks staff is unable to do both with the amount of staff <br />196 they have. <br />197 <br />198 Member Seigler commented if the City is collecting trash on the trails every week <br />199 and more than 60 or 70 percent of the recycling containers are only one-quarter full <br />200 or empty, it may not make sense to have trail pickup when compared to the cost of <br />201 having that service. <br />202 <br />203 Mr. Goodwin stated they have to do the pricing analysis on what is needed and how <br />204 much that will affect the cost. A lot of the carts are pulled in November and put <br />205 back out in May. He noted they are also developing an app called Recollect that <br />206 they were planning on offering to the City at no additional cost. <br />207 <br />208 6. Organics Recycling/Collection <br />209 Mr. Johnson referred to the University of Minnesota Capstone Project, provided on <br />210 page 29 of the meeting packet, highlighted the potential organics sites in Roseville <br />211 and provided the following Capstone recommendations: 1) Co -Sponsor an organics <br />212 recycling drop-off site; 2) Implement a source separated curbside cart program; <br />213 and, 3) Utilize comprehensive outreach and education strategies. After evaluating <br />214 accessibility, security, parking and traffic, site characteristics, and walkability, the <br />215 Victoria Ballfields site came in first with a score of 10. Dale Street Soccer Fields <br />Page 5 of 15 <br />
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