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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,March 26, 2018 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Finance Commissioner McRoberts added that 1 s will often be 2s, but there are 2s <br /> that are not 1 s. Also, the best approach is to start with something and then learn <br /> from it and evolve. The recommendation is that if the data is tracked, the Council <br /> has the data and can do something with it. <br /> Chair Schroeder noted the FC considers the City one big department and it is hard <br /> when Parks and Rec and IT and Fire Department come to the Council with their <br /> priorities; this is another way to try to look at the pie as a whole, even though each <br /> individual area has to have its own things. The goal is to make sure the 1 s and 2s <br /> are covered in all departments. It is helpful to think of it as one big department to <br /> start with. <br /> Councilmember Etten commented that the City is playing a catch-up game, as <br /> some things were neglected for decades. When the Council receives an item, it <br /> now requires the cost implications. He wondered how a 3 or 4 would show up in <br /> a categorization arrangement system, because the current CIP is almost exclusive- <br /> ly 1 s and 2s. <br /> Commissioner McRoberts stated the FC has discussed that the 3s and 4s should <br /> not be excluded. After all, what is the point of having a capital plan if certain are- <br /> as are not included? <br /> Mayor Roe stated that right now, the capital plan focuses on caring for existing <br /> assets. He recalled that the City did put a placeholder for the replacement of the <br /> golf clubhouse, and clearly that was not funded. But that was TBD when and if <br /> and how it happens. The License Center replacement concept is also like that, <br /> with a placeholder in the CIP system. He does not know how much "new" be- <br /> yond a community center that the City will be doing, unless there is something <br /> nobody has thought of yet. <br /> Councilmember McGehee thanked Commissioner Bachhuber for his comments <br /> on sustainability. She noted there has been talk about needing new storage space <br /> and needing a new Public Works building. She does not know why the Golf <br /> Clubhouse was not included as part of the Parks Renewal process when it went <br /> forward. She believes that the Council has made significant strides towards sus- <br /> tainability and having things come to the Council with long-term definition of <br /> maintenance and capital investment is a relatively new approach, but some things <br /> still do come to the Council on a one-off basis. There has to be some way to be <br /> more forceful in looking at things as a whole and looking at things in a sustaina- <br /> ble way. For example, one of the issues in this community is broken pathways. <br /> Broken pathways are a hazard and a liability in the community and are expensive. <br /> She is not convinced there is an adequate program for maintenance and replace- <br /> ment of the existing pathways. However, the FC can create a plan that forces the <br /> Council to be holistic in its approach. <br />