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right-of-wav, to the extent specified therein, provided that such permit shall remain <br />in effect for the length of time the facilitv is in use, unless lawfullv revoked. <br />B. Permit Extensions: No person may excavate or obstruct the right of way beyond the <br />date or dates specified in the permit unless such person: 1) makes a supplementary <br />application for another right-of-way permit before the expiration of the initial permit, <br />and 2) a new permit or permit extension is granted. <br />C. Delay Penalty: Notwithstanding subsection B of this Section, the City shall establish <br />and impose a delay penalty for unreasonable delays in right-of-way excavation, <br />obstruction, patching, or restoration. The delay penalty shall be established from time to <br />time by City Council resolution. <br />D. Permit Display: Permits issued under this Chapter shall be conspicuously displayed or <br />otherwise available at all times at the indicated work site and shall be available for <br />inspection by the Director. (Ord. 1209, 8-24-1998) <br />707.09: PERNUT APPLICATIONS: <br />A. General Requirements: Application for a permit is made to the Director. Right-of-way <br />permit applications shall contain, and will be considered complete only upon <br />compliance with the requirements of the following provisions: <br />1. Registration with the Director pursuant to this Chapter; <br />2. Submission of a completed permit application form, including all required <br />attachments, and scaled drawings showing the location and area of the proposed project <br />and the location of all known existing and proposed facilities; <br />3. Payment of all money due to the City for: <br />a. Permit fees, estimated restoration costs and other management costs; <br />b. Prior obstructions or excavations; <br />c. Any undisputed loss, damage, or expense suffered by the City because of <br />applicant's prior excavations or obstructions of the rights of way or any emergency <br />actions taken by the City; <br />d. Franchise or user fees, if applicable. <br />4. Payment of disputed amounts due the City by posting security or depositing in an <br />escrow account an amount equal to at least 110% of the amount owing <br />B. Additional Equipment: When an excavation permit is requested for purposes of <br />installing additional equipment, and the performance and restoration bond presently <br />existing is insufficient with respect to the additional equipment, in the sole discretion of <br />the Director, the posting of an additional performance and restoration bond for the <br />additional equipment may be required in accordance with subsection 707.05A of this <br />Chapter. (Ord. 1209, 8-24-1998) <br />707.10: ISSUANCE OF PERMIT; CONDITIONS: <br />A. Permit Issuance: If the applicant has satisfied the requirements of this Chapter, the <br />Director shall issue a permit subject to the following procedure: - <br />n,..:,... 0 .....,.n ..,:..,.i,.,,,, 4,.:I4N' .,.......:. ,.....i:,.,..:,...,, <br />1. Deadline for action. The city shall approve or deny a small wireless facilitv permit <br />application within 90 days after filing of such application. The small wireless facilitv <br />permit and anv associated building permit application, shall be deemed approved if the <br />city fails to approve or deny the application within the review periods established in this <br />section. <br />2. Consolidated applications. An applicant may file a consolidated small wireless facilitv <br />permit application addressing the proposed collocation of up to 15 small wireless <br />facilities, or a greater number if agreed to by a local government unit, provided that all <br />small wireless facilities in the application: <br />a) are located within a two-mile radius; <br />