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provided herein, continue working after the end date. If a permittee does not finish the <br />work by the permit end date, it must apply for a new permit for the additional time it <br />needs, and receive the new permit or an extension of the old permit before working after <br />the end date of the previous permit. This supplementary application must be done <br />before the permit end date. (Ord. 1209, 8-24-1998) <br />707.15: OTHER OBLIGATIONS: <br />A. Compliance With Other Laws: Obtaining a right-of-way permit does not relieve <br />permittee of its duty to obtain all other necessary permits, licenses, and authority and to <br />pay all fees required by the City or other applicable rule, law or regulation. A permittee <br />shall comply with all requirements of local, State and Federal laws, including but not <br />limited to Minnesota Statutes sections 216D.01 through 216D.09 ("Gopher One Call <br />Excavation Notice System") and Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560. A permittee shall <br />perform all work in conformance with all applicable codes and established rules and <br />regulations, and is responsible for all work done in the right of way pursuant to its <br />permit, regardless of who performs the work. (Ord. 1333, 3-13-2006) <br />B. Prohibited Work: Except in an emergency, and with the approval of the Director, no <br />right-of-way obstruction or excavation may be done when seasonally prohibited or <br />when conditions are unreasonable for such work. <br />C. Interference With Right of Way: A permittee shall not so obstruct a right of way that the <br />natural free and clear passage of water through the gutters or other waterways shall be <br />interfered with. Private vehicles of those doing work in the right of way may not be <br />parked within or next to a permit area, unless parked in conformance with City parking <br />regulations. The loading or unloading of trucks must be done solely within the defined <br />permit area unless specifically authorized by the permit. <br />D. Screening: A permittee placing a utility cabinet or other structure on any boulevard or <br />other right-of-way area shall be required to provide visual screening of the structure <br />with appropriate landscaping, as determined by the Director. (Ord. 1209, 8-24-1998) <br />E. Trenchless Excavation: As a condition of all applicable permits, permittees employing <br />trenchless excavation methods, including but not limited to Horizontal Directional <br />Drilling, shall follow all requirements set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 216D <br />and Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560, and shall require potholing or open cutting over <br />existing underground utilities before excavating, as determined by the Director. (Ord. <br />1333,03-13-2006) <br />707.16: DENIAL OF PERMIT: <br />The Director may deny a permit for failure to meet the requirements and conditions of this <br />Chapter or if the Director determines that the denial is necessary to protect the public health, <br />safety and welfare or when necessary to protect the right of way and its current use. (Ord. <br />1209,8-24-1998) <br />707.17: INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS: <br />The excavation, backfilling, patching and restoration, and all other work performed in the <br />right-of-way shall be done in conformance with Engineering Standards adopted by the PUC <br />or other applicable local requirements, insofar as they are not inconsistent with the PUC <br />rules and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 237.162 and 237.163. Installation of Service Laterals <br />shall be performed in accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 7560 and these ordinances. <br />Service Lateral installation is further subject to those requirements and conditions set forth <br />by the City in the applicable permits and/or agreements referenced in Section 707.22 <br />paragraph B. of this Ordinance. (Ord. 1209, 8-24-1998); (Ord. 1333, 03-13-2006) <br />707.18: INSPECTION: <br />