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b. If no assessment has been levied for such construction cost, the proceedings for <br />levying such assessment have been or will be completed in due course; or <br />c. If no assessment has been levied and no assessment proceedings will be completed <br />in due course, that a sum equal to the portion of cost of constructing said sanitary <br />sewer main which would be assessable against said lot or tract has been paid to the <br />City; or <br />d. That all charges and fees as required by subsection B, which are fees to reimburse <br />the City for all sums paid to the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services <br />required by the construction of new buildings are paid. (Ord. 688, 12-18-72) <br />2. If no such certificate can be issued by the Public Works Director, no permit to <br />connect to any sanitary sewer main shall be issued unless the applicant shall pay an <br />additional connection fee which shall be equal to the portion of the cost of construction <br />of the said sanitary sewer main which would be assessable against said lot or tract to be <br />served by such connection for the main, including interest at a rate equal to the interest <br />rate of the original assessment from the date of the original assessment and continuing <br />for a period of 20 years or the amount of years the assessment was payable, whichever <br />is less. Interest may be waived or decreased when it is determined by the Public Works <br />Director that the improvement was not subject to utilization until a later date. Said <br />assessable cost is to be determined by the Public Works Director upon the same basis as <br />any assessment previously levied against other property for the main. If no such <br />assessment has been levied, the assessable cost will be determined upon the basis of the <br />uniform charge which may have been or which shall be charged for similar connection <br />with said main, determined on the basis of the total assessable cost of said main, <br />allocated on a frontage basis, acreage basis or both. (Ord. 745, 12-30-74) <br />D. Licenses Required: Permits shall be issued only to such persons who are duly licensed <br />by the City to engage in the business of plumbing who have filed with the City the <br />insurance certificates required under subsection F of this Section; provided, however, <br />that permit may be issued to any person who is duly licensed by the City as a sewer <br />contractor and who has filed with the City the insurance certificates required under <br />subsection F for building and repairing that portion of the house or building sewer <br />extending from the property line to the main sewer or other outlet. (Ord. 234, 8-6-57; <br />amd. 1995 Code) <br />E. License Fees: The annual license fee shall be asset by City Council resolution. <br />F. Insurance: <br />1. Before any required permit is issued, the licensee applying for the permit shall file <br />with the City Manager a certificate of insurance covering the licensee for the period <br />covered by the license in the minimum liability amount of six hundred thousand dollars <br />($600,000.00). <br />2. The certificate shall state that the policies covering the licensee shall not be canceled <br />without ten days' written notice to the City. (Ord. 531, 3-20-67; amd. 1995 Code) <br />802.05: REVOCATION OF CONTRACTOR LICENSE: <br />A. Violation: The City Council shall have power to revoke any license upon satisfactory <br />proof that the holder of said license has willfully violated any of the provisions of this <br />Chapter. <br />B. Reinstatement: A revoked license shall not be reinstated in any manner for a period of <br />six months. <br />C. Claim by City: The failure to pay, within sixty (60) days, any legitimate claim the City <br />may have against a contractor shall constitute cause for revocation of license. (Ord. 233, <br />7-23-57; amd. 1995 Code) <br />802.06: CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS: <br />A. Materials: All pipes shall be constructed of materials approved by the Public Works <br />