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Utility Rate Discount: The City Council may establish reduced water and sewer rates <br />for owner -occupied homes that meet financially need -based criteria as established by <br />the City Council from time to time. <br />,.104iK3■lei IIII&IUS ElPLI&IOHMS S0100N11[yO/VKe1*3 <br />The Metropolitan Council Environmental Services, a metropolitan commission organized <br />and existing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, in order to receive and retain grants in <br />compliance with the Federal Water Pollution Control Act is required to impose industrial <br />user strength charges to recover operation and maintenance cost of treatment works <br />attributable to the strength of discharge of industrial waste. The City shall collect industrial <br />strength charges as dictated by the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services rules and <br />Minnesota State Statutes and adopts the same by reference. (1995 Code) <br />[611 EMYMMO01t1l1IMI1l1111019100KI]IMOLMIMel <br />The cleaning and/or emptying of the contents of any privy vault, septic tank, cesspool, sink <br />or private drain located in the City shall be done in an inoffensive manner and the contents <br />shall be placed in and be removed from the premises in closed, tight covered barrels, <br />receptacles or tank trucks so as to prevent the scattering, dropping or leaking while being <br />transported and shall be discharged or destroyed so as not to be offensive to surrounding <br />property owners. (Ord. 168, 9-15-53; amd. 1995 Code) (Ord 1505 07-11-16) <br />1:1IMM1]f.Yy:/_lIf" BE0III yvKx1]IMAOOX" N1IRy1E <br />A. Definitions: The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall <br />have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly <br />indicates a different meaning: <br />1. Food Service Establishment or FSE means anv facility containing an operation that <br />prepares, packages, serves, vends or otherwise provides food or which disposes of <br />food related wastes. Food service facility does not include single or multifamilv <br />residential facilities, but does include institutional facilities and other facilities <br />designated by the City Manager or their designee, as a facility that discharges <br />enough FOG to have significant impact on the Citv's Sanitary Sewer Svstem. <br />2. Fats, Oils and Grease or FOG: means material composed primarily of fats, oils and <br />grease from animal or vegetable sources. <br />3. Food manufacturer/processor or FM/P means those establishments using <br />methods and techniques to transform raw ingredients into food for human <br />consumption. <br />4. Grease interceptor means grease retention units of the outdoor or underground <br />type with a 1,000- to 3,000 -gallon capacity. FSEs requiring a larger than 3,000 - <br />gallon capacity interceptor shall plumb and install additional separate units. <br />5. Grease trap means a device for separating and retaining waterborne greases and <br />grease complexes prior to the wastewater exiting the trap and entering the sanitary <br />sewer collection and treatment system. <br />B. FOG program participation required. <br />1. This section applies to all "food service establishments" (FSE) and "food <br />manufacturer/processors" FM/P) discharging wastewater containing fats, oils and <br />grease to the City of Roseville Sanitary Sewer System including, but not limited to, <br />restaurants, uocery stores, meat markets, hotels, correctional facilities, factory and <br />office building cafeterias, public and private schools, hospitals, multiple tenant <br />housing, commercial day care centers, churches, and catering services. <br />2. As of the effective date of this ordinance [from which this section derives] and <br />thereafter, no FSE or FM/P shall discharge anv substance of anv kind into anv <br />portion of the City of Roseville's sanitary sewer system except in accordance with <br />