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including cleaning and other maintenance, caused in whole or in part by FOG <br />introduced into the wastewater treatment facilities by anv FSE or FM/P, alone or in <br />conjunction with anv other partv, are the responsibility of the owner of the FSE or <br />FM/P and the owner of any structure in which the FSE or FM/P contributing the <br />FOG to wastewater system is located. <br />O. Compliance. Compliance with the grease control program shall be evaluated based on <br />the following criteria: <br />1. All food service establishments who are implementing and documenting BMPs <br />[including emplovee training and kitchen procedures] and performing and <br />documenting grease retention unit cleaning at the required frequency will be <br />considered to be in full compliance with this policv. <br />2. When an obstruction and/or sanitary sewer overflow occur, the records of all FSE <br />or FM/P that discharge to the affected sanitary sewer line may be reviewed in order <br />to determine the responsible partv. Anv FSE or FM/P found to be in <br />noncompliance with the required grease retention unit cleaning frequencv shall be <br />deemed a "responsible party" for cost recovery. Payment of cost recovery does not <br />preclude further enforcement actions for noncompliance as per the FOG <br />enforcement response plan. <br />P. Penalties and assessments for FOG program noncompliance. In the event that the <br />owner of an FSE or FM/P or the owner of anv structure in which an FSE or FM/P is <br />located is found to have failed to comply with the provisions of this division, the <br />following penalties or assessments or both may be applied: <br />1. For introduction of FOG into anv wastewater facilitv resulting in obstruction to <br />said facilitv or in an SSO: <br />i. The city may disconnect water and sewer service to the FSE or FM/P and to <br />the structure in which the FSE or FM/P is located: <br />ii. Citv may impose a fine per the Citv of Roseville's Fee Schedule each month <br />until such owner demonstrates that the subject FSE or FM/P or structure is in <br />compliance with the requirements of this section: <br />2. For failure to maintain records as required by the BMP program for anv FSE or <br />FM/P, or failing or refusing to timely comply with any request for records required <br />to be provided to the Public Works Director, a fine per the Citv of Roseville's Fee <br />Schedule each day until such records are provided: <br />3. For failure to pass the FOG inspection due to lack of or ineffective FOG equipment <br />the Public Works Director mav: <br />i. Require the subject FSE or FM/P to install additional FOG equipment as <br />necessary to resolve the problem; <br />ii. Change the sewer rate class of the FSE or FM/P to reflect the presence of the <br />excessive FOG contribution by the FSE or FM/P <br />