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Last modified
5/17/2018 4:01:57 PM
Creation date
5/17/2018 3:58:17 PM
Roseville City Council
Document Type
Council Resolutions
Resolution #
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A Resolution Approving a Conditional Use Pursuant to 1009.02.C and 1009.02.D.12 of the City Code for Chick-fil-A at the Har Mar Mall (PF18-005)
Resolution Date Passed
Planning File #
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e. The proposed use will not be injurious to the surrounding neighborhood, will not negatively impact <br /> traffic or property values, and will not otherwise harm the public health, safety, and general welfare. <br /> City staff anticipates that if the drive-through facility is approved, increased vehicle trips on the <br /> adjacent roadways will increase slightly, but will be manageable under current design. This area is <br /> predominately retail and the proposed drive-through should not impact surrounding properties, <br /> especially given additional Zoning Code requirements for the site. Again, the City is requiring a <br /> traffic study to better document the impact, or lack of significant impact,to the operation of the signal <br /> at Snelling and the mall entrance. <br /> SPECIFIC CONDITIONAL USE CRITERIA- §1009.02.D.12 : <br /> a. Drive-through lanes and service windows shall be located to the side or rear of buildings and shall <br /> not be located between the principal structure and a public street except when the parcel and/or <br /> structure lies adjacent to more than one public street and the placement is approved by the <br /> Community Development Department (Ord. 1443, 6-17-2013). The proposed drive-through has been <br /> oriented toward the interior(east) of the site to provide a greater building presence adjacent to <br /> Snelling Avenue and wraps the restaurant from south to north, while the menu board/order area faces <br /> internally to the site, and the payment/pick-up window is oriented to the north, which designs are <br /> acceptable. <br /> b. Points of vehicular ingress and egress shall be located at least 60 feet from the street right-of-way <br /> lines of the nearest intersection. Vehicular ingress/egress related to the proposed drive-through facility <br /> are internal to Har Mar Mall. The location of the ingress/egress points has been reviewed and <br /> approved by the City Engineer. <br /> c. The applicant shall submit a circulation plan that demonstrates that the use will not interfere with or <br /> reduce the safety ofpedestrian and bicyclist movements. Site design shall accommodate a logical and <br /> safe vehicle and pedestrian circulation pattern. Adequate queuing lane space shall be provided <br /> without interfering with on-site parking/circulation. The proposed site plan indicates a pedestrian/bike <br /> connection from the restaurant to the Snelling Avenue sidewalk. This proposed pedestrian/bicycle <br /> access does cross the drive lane but will be highlighted similar to a public crosswalk. Additionally, a <br /> raised large speedbump crosswalk could be installed to better warn vehicles should problems/issues <br /> arise. <br /> d. Speaker box sounds from the drive-through lane shall not be loud enough to constitute a nuisance on <br /> an abutting residentially zoned property or property in residential use. This requirement does not <br /> apply because the drive-through lane is not adjacent to a residential property. <br /> e. Drive-through canopies and other structures, where present, shall be constructed from the same <br /> materials as the primary building and with a similar level of architectural quality and detailing. The <br /> proposal includes two canopies: one a stand-along and the other incorporated into the north elevation. <br /> The stand-along canopy is located adjacent to the outdoor seating area and is designed to manage <br /> drive-through orders. This canopy is similar in design and materials to the canopy that is mounted to <br /> the north side of the building (metal I-beam post and flat roof). The design of the stand-alone canopy, <br /> however, should include elements of the building exterior, such as brick or other items. Staff is not <br /> opposed to the metal I-beam design, but will require the design to be modified in order to look less <br /> like pump islands at a filling station. The second canopy is located at the order pick-up window and <br /> would be designed as an integral component of the elevation and require no additional enhancements. <br /> Page 2 of 4 <br />
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