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Public Works Environment and Transportation Commission
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Last modified
5/23/2018 9:28:12 AM
Creation date
5/23/2018 9:27:52 AM
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Public Works Commission
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Member Kors asked whether China generates this quality of recyclables in their <br />own country. <br />Mr. Gray responded it is really about what they are letting in the port. That is a lot <br />different than whether internal markets in China are selling to a paper mill in China. <br />Because it is not global in that situation, it is a relationship just between the <br />producer and that market. <br />Chair Cihacek asked about the impact to recyclables by the oil market. <br />Mr. Gray explained that the cheaper oil is, it places a cap on what can be obtained <br />for plastics. Recyclable material is an alternative to using oil. At a basic level, they <br />are linked. If one goes down, the other goes down. One of the things impacting <br />pouches becoming a dominant choice for packaging, is that one of the ways to <br />generate oil domestically is through fracking. Plastic comes from an oil product. <br />The price for plastic pouches is very low, so there is financial incentive to for <br />manufacturers to make that choice. <br />Mr. Gray indicated Eureka is studying three different collection methods for clothes <br />and linens in St. Paul: (1) put it out on recycling day; (2) monthly collections; and <br />(3) on -demand via an app or website. This study has been funded by a grant. He <br />noted that Eureka relies on a couple environment models that look at the full life <br />cycle of recycling material rather than incinerating it, specifically, how much <br />carbon dioxide was emitted. <br />Member Misra asked how close Roseville is getting to having recycling every week <br />and garbage every other week. <br />Mr. Gray noted these are conversations that happen with City staff during the RFP <br />period, as there is a cost associated with weekly collection. The trash side of the <br />collection is more complicated, as it is an open system. The City does not provide <br />as much control over the system. He suggested that research shows that when there <br />is a compostable option for residents, recycling increases. <br />Member Joyce asked about Eureka's promotion of zero -waste evenings. <br />Mr. Gray responded affirmatively, noting Eureka currently does four zero -waste <br />events: Earth Day celebration, the Run for the Roses, Taste of Rosefest, and Wild <br />Rice Festival. <br />Chair Cihacek asked how many residents ask for additional pickups. <br />Mr. Gray responds that in Roseville, if the driver sees extra, the driver just picks up <br />the extra. <br />Page 5 of 9 <br />
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