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Page 38 of 38 <br />Permit No: MNR040000 <br />3. Under normal circumstances support a prevalence of such vegetation. (Minn. R. 7050.0186, <br />subp. 1a.B.) <br />re1aa:1:LIFAre\IWL1PFe1aIINITOY.]aVol Ji61 <br />• BMP - Best Management Practice <br />• CFR—Code of Federal Regulations <br />• CWA—Clean Water Act or the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, 33 U.S.C. §1251 etseq) <br />• DNR—Department of Natural Resources <br />• DWSMA — Drinking Water Supply Management Area <br />• ERPs— Enforcement Response Procedures <br />• IDDE- Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination <br />• MCM — Minimum Control Measure <br />• MDH —Minnesota Department of Health <br />• MEP—Maximum Extent Practicable <br />• MS4 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System <br />• NPDES - National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System <br />• ORVW - Outstanding Resource Value Water <br />• SDS—State Disposal System <br />• TMDL-Total Maximum Daily Load <br />• TP — Total Phosphorus <br />• TSS - Total Suspended Solids <br />• USEPA- United States Environmental Protection Agency <br />• WLA—Waste Load Allocation <br />