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2017 MS4 Annual Report <br />Post Construction Activities <br />Stormwater Best Manz <br />Stormwate. <br />Stormwater ponds are a versatile stormwater <br />tures and stores stormwater runoff to reduce x <br />stream, using biological, physical, and chemical in <br />from surface water. Two types of stormwater pont <br />• Wet ponds or stormwater wetlands have a p <br />surface inflow balanced by outflow. Their pr <br />rather than manage volume and flow, as set <br />flows into a storm sewer or stream. <br />• Dry ponds primarily manage volume and no <br />excess water and allowing it to discharge ml <br />Pollutants and sediment do settle out, but n <br />Stormwater ponds need to be inspected and m: <br />ality. They should be inspected quarterly at a mini <br />recent or recurring issues. An inspection form can <br />Wet Pond/Wetland <br />Dry Pond <br />Stormwater Pond Inspection Form <br />To be completed quarterly and saved for your records. <br />BMP Name/Location: <br />Inspectors: <br />Surrounding land use: <br />Date <br />Date of last rainfall: <br />Wet Pond/Wetland or Dry Pond (circle one) <br />Maintenance Item <br />Condition(Fxcellent, <br />Good, Fair, Poor) <br />Comments <br />General Condition & Debris <br />Pond and surrounding area clear <br />of litter and vegetative debris <br />Condition of culverts / outlets / <br />overflow spillway <br />Removal of sediment buildup at <br />Wets, outlets, and pretreatment <br />structures <br />Stable soil structure or remedia- <br />tion of erosion at inlets, outlets, <br />basin slopes <br />Wet Pond / Wetland <br />Invasive species— / other unde- <br />sirable vegetation removed <br />Plant composition is according to <br />operation and maintenance plan <br />Current water depth (inches), <br />adequate depth for plant species <br />Dry Pond <br />Do -eat.. between storms within <br />48 hours, no remaining wet spots <br />or standing water <br />Turf grass height is maintained <br />at less than 6 inches <br />Adequate vegetation, undesirable <br />vegetation removed <br />Items in Fair or Poor condition should be addressed through maintenance activities as soon as possible. <br />"Invasive species include buckthom, garlic mustard, purple Ieosestrue. <br />Further information on inspection & maintenance of stormwater ponds can be found in the Minnesota <br />Stormwater Manual, under "Operation and maintenance of stormerwor ponds." <br />iwater Best Management Practices: <br />Bioretention Basins <br />asins are a stormwater best management practice (BMP) that controls the <br />, and quantity of surface water after a storm, using engineered or mixed <br />s to capture and infiltrate tenon. There are two primary types of bioretem <br />re commonly found in Roseville: <br />asins reduce immediate strain on the sewer system after a storm by central - <br />face water flow rate and increasing water quality. Once the water is filtered <br />soil, an outflow pipe drains into the storm sewer or other water body. <br />basins similarly control the flow rate and quality of surface storm water. <br />rain gardens, these basins allow the water to infiltrate through the soil and <br />o the local groundwater instead of being carried away. <br />asins have vegetation and soils that need to be inspected and managed reg - <br />roper functionality. They should be inspected quarterly at a minimum, and <br />the BMP has recent or recurring issues. An inspection form can be found <br />W this page. <br />=filtration Basin <br />so .of toed <br />(filtration Basin <br />Primary Concerns <br />Sedimentation and erosion are the <br />most common issues with bioretention <br />basins in Roseville. Inlets, outlets, and <br />pretreatment structures should be <br />clear of sediment in order for the BMP <br />to function properly. Standing water <br />in the basin is an indicator of poor in- <br />filtration, likely due to sedimentation, <br />and should be immediately addressed. <br />City Code <br />ordinances regarding stormwater <br />best management practices can be <br />d in Chapter 803 of the Roseville <br />and particular ordinances re- <br />ing erosion and sedimentation <br />nd can be found in 803.04. Accord - <br />a city code, inspection and <br />rtermnce of bioretention basins <br />other stormwater BMPs are the <br />onsibility of the property owner, <br />negligence will result in a Notice <br />alation, followed by other enforce - <br />t measures if necessary. <br />