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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 7, 2018 <br /> Page 16 <br /> Environmental Specialist Johnson noted the last five items that are critical to get <br /> to the next step. There is absolutely room for improvement,but a lot of these <br /> things, the City is already doing. <br /> Mayor Roe noted the capstone project outlined how much Roseville is already do- <br /> ing. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte asked whether anything has to be amended in the Code <br /> to refer to PWET members in this additional role. <br /> Mayor Roe indicated that is not necessary, as this is not an official role. <br /> McGehee moved, Willmus seconded, adoption of Resolution No. 11507 (Attach- <br /> ment A) entitled, "A Resolution Designating the Roseville Public Works, Envi- <br /> ronment, and Transportation Commission as Roseville's Green Step Cities `Green <br /> Team.' <br /> Roll Call <br /> Ayes: McGehee, Willmus, Laliberte, Etten and Roe. <br /> Nays: None. <br /> b. Review the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan update and authorize distribu- <br /> tion to neighborhood communities for 6-month review <br /> Senior Planner Lloyd briefly introduced the revised Comp Plan and invited Ms. <br /> Perdu to present the revisions. <br /> WSB Consultant Erin Perdu noted that the document before the Council tonight is <br /> a revised plan of the complete 2040 Comp Plan. A public hearing has been held <br /> since then at the Planning Commission, and revisions have been made based upon <br /> that feedback. She provided an overview of the changes. Changes have been <br /> made to readability, the equity topic, and the What We Heard section was stream- <br /> lined. She highlighted some of the readability edits, including colors, fonts, and <br /> tables. Structural changes were made, doing some scrubbing for repetitive lan- <br /> guage. A small table of contents was made at the beginning of each chapter. <br /> Goals and strategies are in the same format and area in each chapter. With regard <br /> to equity, that language has been broadened throughout the document. A new <br /> icon has been added to call out goals and strategies. <br /> Ms. Perdu also highlighted the Land Use chapter. The PC hearing had some con- <br /> cern with regard to HarMar Mall. One of the concept sketches was changed from <br /> a popup cinema to a plaza. The previous area that was a plaza is now a food truck <br /> area. In the Housing section, there is more discussion of single-family housing as <br /> it contributes to existing affordability inventory in the City. She also presented <br /> the future land use map. The plan was submitted to the Met Council for prelimi- <br /> nary review in February. This is a courtesy technical review; it is not required. <br />