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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday, May 7, 2018 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 6:32 p.m., and reconvened at approximately <br /> 6:35 p.m. <br /> a. Receive Report on City Manager Performance Evaluation <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the City Manager's evaluation was performed by the Coun- <br /> cil at the previous council meeting in April. As a result of that evaluation, he re- <br /> ported that the Council is very satisfied with Mr. Trudgeon's performance. Mr. <br /> Trudgeon was praised for his work and achievement in working towards the goals <br /> and objectives that have been set out. He was also recommended for areas of fo- <br /> cus and improvement, as is always the case. The Council has authorized Mr. <br /> Trudgeon's next step in salary stage, which will now be step 4. He thanked Mr. <br /> Trudgeon for his work in serving the Council and the City of Roseville. <br /> b. Recognition of Commissioners for their service to the City of Roseville <br /> Mayor Roe recognized the following Commissioners for their service to the City <br /> of Roseville: <br /> Pete Zeller(Finance Commission) <br /> Lisa Carey(Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission) <br /> Wayne Groff(Human Rights, Inclusion and Engagement Commission) <br /> Edward Johnson and Eric Tomlinson, Nicole Dailey (Human Rights, In- <br /> clusion and Engagement Commission) <br /> Sharon Brown(Planning Commission) <br /> John Heimerl (Public Works, Environment, and Transportation Commis- <br /> sion) <br /> Duane Seigler and Kody Thurnau (PWET Commission) <br /> Brad VanderVegt (Police Civil Service Commission) <br /> Mr. Groff noted that the essay contest was always the highlight of the year <br /> during his two terms on the HRIEC. <br /> Mr. Heimerl stated he appreciated his time on the PWET, particularly as <br /> he learned a lot about the City and how it runs. <br /> c. Proclaim 2018 Police Officers' Memorial Day and National Police Week <br /> Mayor Roe read the proclamation declaring the week of May 13 to May 19, 2018, <br /> to be National Police Week in the City of Roseville and May 15 as Peace Offic- <br /> ers' Memorial Day. <br /> Laliberte moved, Etten seconded, the proclamation declaring the week of May 13 <br /> to May 19, 2018, to be National Police Week in the City of Roseville and May 15 <br /> as Peace Officers' Memorial Day. <br /> Roll Call <br />