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Sprouts 2018 <br />Spectacular Summer <br />Discover the signs & sounds of summer. Play with sand & water & <br />explore summer fun. <br /> <br />1236.240 Th Jul 5 10-11:30am <br />1236.241 Fr Jul 6 10-11:30am <br />Finny Fun <br />Sort fish shapes, compare fish sizes, count some fins & create a <br />fish to take home. Come & catch lots of finny fun. <br /> <br />1236.242 Th Aug 2 10-11:30am <br />1236.243 Fr Aug 3 10-11:30am <br />Wiggly Worms <br />Watch worms crawl through soil, wiggle through a worm tunnel, <br />and search for worms & worm signs. <br /> <br />1236.244 Th Sep 6 10-11:30am <br />1236.245 Fr Sep 7 10-11:30am <br />3-Month Summer Series <br /> <br />Get All 3! <br />1236.246 Th Jul 5, Aug 2, Sep 6 <br />1236.247 Fr Jul 6, Aug 3, Sep 7 <br />REGISTRATION FORM Make checks payable to: ROSEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> MAIL TO: 2660 Civic Center Drive, Roseville, MN 55113 <br />Name ____________________________________________ Birth date ___________________ Phone ___________________________ <br />Address _____________________________________________ City _________________________________ Zip Code _______________ <br />-mail __________________________________________________ <br />Class Program # ____________ Level _____________ Day ________ Time ____________ <br /> <br />Fees: Class Fee $_________ Non Resident Fee $__________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: $ ___________ Check Cash Visa MasterCard <br />Name on card _______________________________ Credit card # _________________________________________ Exp Date ____________ <br /> <br /> <br />