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Sep�ember 20, 1973 <br />The Honoxable M�yer arcd Ci�y Co,zrYczl: <br />In accordanc� with the rEc{�a�reme;�ts of NYirriesuta Statutes �T2r ��-ie propc�sed annual <br />Budget f�r f3scai kS74 is s�'bmi�ted eGr ���ar ccrnszdes°atier� �Yn�e< the �.�ws of Y973 <br />and by reso]_ution of �he Co��n�i�, RosevilPe shagl becam� a Caty o�x Januaary 1, i974� <br />References in this Budge� sha�l be to the City �f RosevaZTeo <br />Taxes and Mill Rate <br />The impact of 'this Budget an 1oea1 taxpa�ers as �ower ta�es, �'or the second <br />stxaight ye�r the doYlam �ax levy w3I1 be red�ace��'he dolla.r t�x levy for <br />1973 was $1,708,259 wfiale far 19748 I am �°ece�tendz�g a Yev}- of $1,67�i,061, <br />a tax �eduction of �34,198 from 19i3a and same $70,060 sin.ce 1972, Based an <br />thzs proposed Budget the mg11 ra�te for FToseviYle �esc�� gc�vernment wi_7.1 be <br />I1.54„ a redtactgcen of one ten�h mill from ihe 1973 mi3l rate of 1Y.64. Whi�le <br />the reduction is small, $1.65 on a home of $309000 asse�sed va3uation, there <br />are almost na o�her goods or se�°vices �that Rc;sevillE citi�e�is will purchase. <br />in ]974 that *�vi�l. cost less thasi they ciid a� I973o <br />Taxpayers should a�so s°eaYiz� s�zeable real estate iax reduc`tian as a i°esult <br />of 1973 legisia�sve ae'iion �cs�e�sirzg ftie h�mestiead sales iax credit from 35% <br />to 450, increasing �the maxirri�un cx°edi� from $2�0 ta $350 and granting credit to <br />tkae total levy incI.rading for th� first �une deb't �eai�ement. The impaci of <br />the s�;ate's ac�ion caxanot be fzgtx�°ed until t3�e Ievies for other agencies; i.e., <br />schools and county government9 a�e kriO�lo HOwGVe1a 1et �he record show th�t <br />the Caty of Roseugll� has se� the �xampYe by lov�e�ing i.he aetual dolla�s taxed <br />and the mall r�te. <br />i Revaluation and Fascal Dzspax3�aes - <br />i <br />i _ <br />There has Ueen no g�neral �°�valt�aiion u�f RGsevil3�e ��°cper��'dvring Y9i3o A <br />, law passecl by the 19i3 Legis�aY.�a�°� �.x7ni�s iui�xr� �°��%a��,���gon �0 5% so it is <br />'i asswned tha't the home as���s�d at $30D000 �.aa '�he ab�rre ExampSe will� rem�in <br />close to that val�ae far �974e <br />The 1971. Fiscal Dispar3taes Law was dec�ared us�acansfiit�ti�na� by a Dako�a <br />Disirict Cota�t and �s at this wx 3��rxg uztder ��p��.3 �:a t�c Ni�mr�esaia Supreme <br />Court, This Budget does no� tak� aat�o �ecousa� �h� ��:: zmg�ct �f the Fis��Y <br />Dispari� P,c�. <br />Revenues <br />The I�74 Budge� calls f�x reve��aes of $6,744,1"L4o Pbop�rtiy �axes ac`btant £aa° <br />24.$% of the revEntses, a reritzc�aon o� e8% f�om 250�% in P9`�3e .'Mtanicipa.l <br />Laquor operatgons �ccount for 19,0% of the reventaes9 whale sewex aatd water <br />utility opexa`tirrns 12,6°s oi'the r�veizu�so The Go�� Cotarsee Ski Area <br />and Ice Are�a accoYxnt for 3,8a' of the �°everaiges� Th�as, se3f�3uppox�Y,artg pa�blic <br />enterpri�e activz�ies comprzse I6�4% of �he i,e�ia1 �e�reriuese 'I'he ot;�er major <br />category is sta�e aids wh°xch at $721y214 makes tap 1006% af RosevillePs 1974 <br />xe�rentaes o <br />