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New Programs <br />I am recommending the modest beginning of one new program - refarestation. <br />Many of the trees in Roseville, particularly in the area south of Highway 36, <br />are American Elms and subject to the ravages of Dutch Elm disease. The <br />Budget provides $b,000 £or tree trimming and removal, which is the same as <br />in prior years. In addition, the Budget provides for $2,500 for tree re- <br />placement when American Elms must be removed from boulevards or parks. The <br />staff, after considerable study, recotmnends that when boulevard trees are <br />removed,that the City provide an acceptable tree replacement to the property <br />owner on the condition that the property owner be responsible for planting <br />the tree and that as per Roseville ordinance, the trees be planted on private <br />property. If we do not actively engage in reforestation we could find our- <br />selves in the position of some midwest citizens who found their towns denuded <br />of shade trees a£ter the loss of the American Elmsa <br />While it is not a Budget consideration, I want to draw the Coimcil's <br />attention to the vastly expanded personnei function of the City. In the <br />past we have limited ourselves to recruitment for vacant positions, testing <br />and some training. As a result of 1973 legislative action and federal laws, <br />we are involved in new programs which have expanded our personnel function <br />from part time of an administrative assistant to his full time efforts. <br />1. In 1973 the City signed its first foxmal contracts with organized <br />, labor. Supervisory training, grievance procedures, general contract <br />L_ administration and fact gathering for I974 contract negotiations are <br />' an ever e�cpanding task. <br />2. The 1973 Legislature placed local government under the federal OSHA <br />�-- standards. The administration of this program, while limited today, <br />will grow rapidly if the experience of the private sector is any guide. <br />3. Under federal law all public agencies with more than 100 employees <br />must submit an affirmative action program on minority and female <br />Tiring and personnel advancement programs to the proper federal agency <br />The program by its name must be positive in the seeking, selecting, <br />and promoting of minorities and women. We are at present drafting a <br />program for Council consideration. The administration of this prngram <br />is a personnel function. <br />4. Starting January l, 1974, local governments are placed under state <br />minimwn wage laws and unemployment compensation benefit programs. <br />Again the administxation of the programs are a personnel function. <br />Budget Adoption <br />This is a prudent and practical Budget. It reduces the municipal tax burden <br />because the dollar levy and. mill rate are less than in 19'13, It meets the needs <br />J of Roseville citizens and does not sacrifice any of the programs and services <br />that Roseville citizens have come to eacpect, and it provides the necessary fund- <br />ing for the continued improvement of the life style af Roseville citizens. <br />
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