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C� Licenses and Yermits. There has been a 28,80% increase from this soixrce <br />of reve�nue: �>roposed increases in building permit �ees will provide an <br />additional $25,�00 and it i; estimated that auto registration fees wiil <br />increase $14,000 over the 1974 budget estzmate. <br />D. G*ourt Fines, Revenues from this souree are estYmated to be $50,000 <br />or at the same ievel as Lhe current year However, effective Januar� 1, <br />1975, the Municapal Court will be consoYadated into the Count� Court <br />system, thereby r�lieving the C1ty o� budgetary expenditures ior 1975� <br />Eo Revenue fxom Other Agencfeso This source has decreased by 3014% <br />primaril� because the ��re tnsurance premium tax ($30,000� zs not reflected <br />in this budget. These funds are now remitted directly to the Relief <br />Associationo �he Csty wi�l rece�ve an additional $5,000 from Lauderdale <br />under the terms of *he pai�ce service agreemen�� There is also a federal <br />civil de�ensa g�an� cti $7,500 budgeted to finance Lhe improvement of the <br />City's siren warn���g L�stem� As of this wxiting the stata has not deter- <br />mined the LocaY G��ernment Aid allocationy and the amount estimated for <br />1975 �s the same as f'or the current year� <br />F� Charges f'or Serv3ces. Fees or charges have increased 4007% or $99,057 <br />in the proposed budget� Fees from organrzed recreation are estimated to <br />increase b� $28,125 because of added programs and also as the result o� <br />making more adult zecreation programs sel�-supporting� Fees have been <br />increased in the Goif' and Iee Arena activit`ses to insure that these <br />operations are �elf'-sustainingo Estimat.ed revenues from the �iquor <br />operation have been ad�usted to balance a more accura��e "eost of goods" <br />figure� The inczsase Yn sewer and water revenues reflect the increased <br />operat�onal cost� of these two funds� <br />Go Transfers� There bs a proposed �ncrease of 12�21% or $98,484 in the use <br />of fund r�eserue<� The Sewer and Water operating funds are contributing ar <br />addi�ional $25,000 and $55,000 respectively toward debt servzcee An <br />appropria�ion of $27,Q00 from the Police Relief Fund �insurance premium <br />tax) wilI f"inance a pox�ion of the �olrce capital outlay� An approprfa� <br />tion of $62,000 f'�om t.he Public Works Reserve Fund wi11 finance one ha�f <br />the cost of a f�re pumper ($30,000), and provide �or Ski Hill improvements <br />($32,000), <br />Ha General Reuenue Sharxng< H� is estimated that as of July 1, 1975, the <br />Cit� will ha�e zece3.ued $540,000 in Revenue Sharing Pundso These funds <br />have not been reflected sn ths proposed budget� The Cauncil has dise <br />cussed the pos�ible uce of these �unds for the �ons�ruct�on of' the thsrd <br />�ire s��tion and a1sQ t.o assist �n financing o� the new Cit� Hall, i� <br />approued by the vat�rs� Neither one of the above two projects is re- <br />flected in the proposed budget., <br />Yo F3sca1 Dispa��t�e� �aw:, As af thns wrftzng the Supreme Court has not <br />consadered the app�al�o� the TSii �'isca2 Disparities A�t, which was de- <br />cl,ared un�ansti��u�ional b� the Distric� Gour� �n Dakot�,a Count�yo <br />EXPENDTTURES <br />The t.otal 19�5 proposed budget amounts �o $7,089,971 which is an inerease of <br />$312,247, or 4�6% ouer the or�ginal adopted 19i4 bixdgeto Tn terms of broad <br />catego�ies, the change� in do�Iars and percentages between the 1974 and <br />1975 budgets areo <br />
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