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A`: N U A L L U D G� T <br />---- — -------------------------------------- ------------------- — ------- <br />� F U"� D • D E P A R T M E N T m A C G T. V 0. � <br />��i;ENER4� +��iJ[�sAL COIViROL '� 101-4160 � <br />— ---------- --- ---- --------------- -------------------- -------- — <br />EXFFNDITURFS R E C A P <br />------------------------------------------------------------------- <br />� 19A1 r 1982 � 1963 � 1983 � <br />�OdJ—UESC2IPT[GN � ACTUAL * tSUOGET '� RCCMiVO � ADOPTED r <br />------------------------------------------ ------------------- ----- <br />PEttSCti.4L SERVICES TUTf�L <br />SUPPLIES Ti1TAi <br />MISC. SERV[CES E CHGS iC)TAL <br />70T;1L <br />9�446 <br />1,8?_1 <br />2,U97 <br />13�364 <br />15,000 <br />3,050 <br />4�275 <br />23,325 <br />17t000 <br />3,050 <br />jr�00 <br />23,950 <br />Function <br />The animal control proaram is under the sunervision of the Chie£ of <br />Police. PickuP of animals is nerformed by City Conununity Service <br />Officers. ImpoundinQ and care of dors and cats are handled by a <br />veterinary clinic. There is a nermanent repistration system for <br />dogs, and owners are rec�uired to show nroof of rabies vaccination <br />every two years. <br />Pro�;ram Note <br />The increased hours for animal control, initiated in 1932, will <br />continue in 1985. <br />_�}Z_ <br />17,000 <br />3�C50 <br />3,9C0 <br />23r950 <br />