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�1 .'S iv U i\ l i U 0 i; t T <br />----- -------------------- ------------------------------------- ---- <br />�'� F U>J D ;� D E P A R T M E tV T � A C G T. 'V 0. �� <br />rGr"rJtRAL FUVD �I�URLIC WORKS ADMIN � 101-4Z1Q r <br />----------------------------------------- ------------------------ <br />EXPE'vDITURES R E C 1 P <br />------------------------- --------------------------------------- <br />r: 2981 ti 1'�82 � 19H3 �% 1.9H3 � <br />�>>f3J-DE�CRIPT[0'V � ACTUA� �= tIUDGET � RECN�ND $ �DOPTED r <br />------------------------------------------- --------- -------------- - <br />PERSG'JhL SCRVICES T_^TAL 210�221 <br />SUPPLIES TOTAL 3,ti24 <br />M1SC. S�RVICES E Ct1GS TCTAL 10,381 <br />CAP[TAL �UTLAY T^TAL �3 <br />Function <br />Z05,911 <br />4�6CU <br />`�r58S <br />TOTAL 224,219 220,0`d6 <br />226�767 <br />4,200 <br />10,360 <br />1r600 <br />242,927 <br />226,767 <br />4r2C0 <br />LOr360 <br />1,600 <br />242,927 <br />The Public {Yorks Director is responsible for adni.nistration and coordination <br />of the activities of the Public i'lorks Denartment. Four divisions make up <br />the department: Engineering, Street, Utilities, and Code Enforcement. The <br />Director also serves as City Engineer. <br />The Engineering Department is resPonsible for all activities relating to <br />the desif;n, construction, mainfenance, inspection and operation of the <br />nhysical facilities of the City. �ngineering activities inclttde the <br />preparation of nlans and the supervision and review of the construction <br />of water, street, sewer and other physical iriprovements in the City. In <br />those instances where these services are nrovided by a consulting engineering <br />firm, the i•�ork is under the sunervision and direction of the Public 19orks <br />Director. <br />