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Recreation <br />OBJ-DESCRIPTION <br />ANNUAL BUDGET <br />Recreation Administration <br />E%PENDITURES <br />1990 1491 <br />ACTUAL BUDGET <br />ACCT • �2,Q_ <br />200-040.000 <br />1992 1992 <br />RECMD ADOPTED <br />PERSONAL SERVICES 278,360 262,030 294,114 <br />SUPPLIES 3,442 3,474 2,795 <br />MISC. SERVS. � CHGS. 99,810 92,365 95,245 <br />CAPITAL OUTLAY 98 950 <br />TOTAL 381,710 378,819 392,154 <br />Subprogram: Parks and Recreation Administration <br />294,114 <br />2,795 <br />95,245 <br />392,154 <br />�bjectives• <br />1. To provide the management of the�City's leisure time 6ervices <br />2. To periodically review existing programs, facilities, <br />eervices, operational policies, procedures, and to make <br />necessary changes to better seroe the citizens. <br />3. To seek cooperation between voluntary agencies, County and <br />State, public instruction, and other enterprises which are <br />involved in the leisure eervice eector. <br />4. To develop and provide a variety of recreational activities <br />of sufficient quantity and quality to meet community pre- <br />ference and needs. <br />Activity: <br />1. The Director of Parks and Recreation oversees four divi- <br />sions--Parks, Golf Cou=se, Ice Arena, and Recreation which <br />employ eighteen full-time employees, and over 260 part-time <br />employees. <br />The basic philosophy employed within the department is that <br />recreational activity of a general nature is supported <br />through public sources, while specialized facilities and <br />proqrams are primarily sustained through user fees. <br />Expenditure Comments: <br />No significant chanqes. <br />73 <br />