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FUND <br />Infrastructure <br />ANNUAL BUDGET <br />DEPARTMENT <br />Infrastructure <br />E%PENDITURES <br />1991 1992 1993 <br />ACCT. NO. <br />530-069.000 <br />1993 <br />OBJ-DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET RECMD �DOPTED <br />PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL <br />SUPPLIES TOTAL <br />MISC. SERVS. & CHGS. 8,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 <br />CAPITAL OUTLAY <br />TOTAL 8,000 90,000 90,000 90,000 <br />Program: Infrastructure Replacement. <br />Objective: <br />To ensure adequate funding for the maintenance of streets and <br />other public improvements completed by the Paving Management <br />Program. <br />Activities: installing overlays on streets previously paved. <br />This overlay would come at a point that would considerably extend <br />the life of the street. <br />Expenditure Comments: <br />No significant chanqe from 1992. <br />93 <br />