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Federal Fevenne Sharing Fund 'Phis fund was established to account for the <br />revenue received from the Federal Government in accordance with the State and <br />local "Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972". Expenditure of these funds can be made <br />only in accordance with the provision of this act. The City's share of these <br />Revenue Sharing Funds for the year 1978 �oas $176,144. <br />General Debt S�ervice Fund <br />Debt Seroice Funds are used for the accumulation of monies for payment of long- <br />term general obligation bonds and interest. Property taxes provide the necessary <br />revenue. <br />Capital Project Funds . <br />Capital projects funds are used to account for the proceeds from the sale of <br />bonds and other revenue used for the acquisition of capital improvements by the <br />City. Following is a brief description of each. <br />Public Works Reserve Fund This fund was established by City ordinance No. 378. <br />The monies in this fund shall be used for any purpose authorized by Tlinnesota <br />Statute 471.57. <br />Permanent Improvement Fund This fund was established to account for expenditures <br />necessary for the construction, renovation or installation of facilities of a <br />permanent nature-. Revenues necessary to finance these improvements may come <br />from property taxes, grants or transfers from other funds. 'Phe fund had a deficit <br />of $40,356 at December 31, 1978. The deficit occurred when only $20,000 of the <br />6udgeted $70,000 in revenue �aas transferred in 1976 from the Liquor Fund, <br />LPW Storm Sewer Grant Fund This fand was established to account�for revenue <br />received from the Federal Government for the construction of six small storm <br />sewer improvements. This fund was closed in 1978. <br />Chatsworth Park Fund This fund was established to account for revenue received <br />from a State Grant for Chatsworth Park. The City Council did not approve the <br />acquisition of the park site, and the grant monies will be returned in early 1479 <br />Old City Hall Remodeling Fund This fund was establi.shed to account for the <br />construction cost of remodeling the old city hall. Revenues necessary to cover <br />the cost of coristruction were transfrred from the Revenue Sharing Fund. This <br />fund was closed in 1978. <br />State Grant Fund This fund was established to accounC for monies received from <br />the State for the development of trails and tennis courts. <br />Federal Grant Fund This fund �.as established to account for monies received <br />from the Federal Government Por floo3 disaster assistanc.e. <br />Lawcon Fund This fund was established to account for monies received from the <br />State to acquire land for park purposes. <br />F:qui.pment Revolving Fund This fund was estaUlished to purchase heavy macliinery <br />and vehicular type equipnent. Revenue for the financin� of this equi_pment comes <br />from the using departments in the form of depreciation type charges, property <br />tax levies and transfers. <br />7 <br />
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