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Forn I 1 CITY OF P.OS�VILLE MINNESOTA <br />COMBINING STATEMENT OF REV�NUES EXPENDITURES AND CHANGES� <br />IN FUND BALANCES - ALL CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS - <br />YEAR ENDED D�CEMBER 31, 1979 <br />Revenues <br />General property taxes <br />Intergovernmental revenues <br />Federal�Grant <br />State Homestead credit <br />State grants <br />. Miscellaneous <br />Interest on investments <br />Other <br />Tota1 revenues <br />Expenditures <br />Gapital outlay <br />Water <br />Park/recreation <br />Engineering and inspectian <br />Street <br />Police <br />Ice Arena <br />Other <br />Total expenditures <br />Excess of revenue over <br />(under) expenditures <br />Other financing sources (uses) <br />Operating transfer - in <br />� General Fu�d <br />Federal Revenue Sharing Fund <br />. . Public Works Reserve Fund - <br />. Sewer.Fund �. . . . <br />� �Liquor-Fund � <br />Operating transfer - out <br />� General Fund � <br />Permanent Improvement Fund <br />Equipment Fund <br />.--=�;, Construction Fund- �-� <br />State.of..Minnesota - Refund Grant <br />� lotal other financ�ing�� <br />sources (uses) ..� � <br />Pub].ic <br />Works <br />Reserve <br />Permanent � Federal Grant <br />Improvements Equipment Disaster-aid <br />$( 309) $( 110) <br />$ 5,030 18,003 <br />23,000 <br />$ 5,030 $ 40,694 <br />$ 23,000 <br />49,334 <br />$ 11,250 <br />10,776 <br />43,817 <br />$ 54,483 <br />$ 12,557 <br />11,802 <br />58,510 <br />33,967 <br />$ 11,250 $ 72,334` $ 116,836 <br />$ 6 220) $( 31,640) $( 62,353) <br />$ <br />$( 6,000) <br />(25,862) <br />45,000 <br />6,000 <br />50,000 <br />u <br />28,400 <br />26,500 <br />25,862 <br />( 9;412) <br />$ 3( 1,862) $ 101,000 $ 71,350 <br />$ 2,007 <br />$ z,00� <br />$( 2,007) r <br />' Excess of revenues and other <br />sources over (under) expenditures <br />and other uses $(38,082) $ 69,360 $ 8,997 $( 2,007) <br />Fund balance - Previously reported $122,195 $( 40,356) $ 234,259 $ 2,007 <br />�'�. -Cancel--�encumb�rances--�- <br />������.Reclassify payable to encumbrances <br />Fund balance - Restated January 1 <br />Excess of revenues and other sourcee <br />� over (under). expenditures and <br />other uses�-- � <br />Fund balance December 31 <br />87,205 <br />$122,195 $ 46,849 <br />3( 8,082) 69,360 <br />$ 84,113 S 116,209 <br />See accompanying notes to financial statements. <br />50 <br />$ 234,259 <br />8,997 <br />S 243.256'a`? <br />$ 2,007 <br />( 2,007) <br />�- -0- <br />