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CITY OF ftOSEVILLE. MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DECEMBER 31. 1986 <br />Note 1- Summarv of Sianificant Accountina Poiicles <br />The CSty of Roseville, Minnesota, was incocporated on May 28, 1998, and became a <br />statutory City on January 1, 1974. The CSty operates under a Council-Manager form of <br />government, and provldes for ali the varlous services as authorized by State statute, <br />Sncluding the following: generai government, pu611c safety, public works, parks and <br />recreatlon, water and sewer utility, and community development. <br />The accounting pollcies of the CSty of Roseville conform to generaily accepted <br />accounting princSples applicable Lo governmental units. The following is a summary <br />of the more sSgnSficant policies. <br />Reoortina EntSty <br />The City's financial statements include all funds, account groups, departments, <br />agencles, boaCds, commissions, and other organizatlons over which Clty officials <br />exercise oversight responsib111ty. <br />Overslght responslbility includes such aspects as appointment of governing body <br />members, budget approval, approval of property tax levles, o�tstanding debt secured <br />by City £ull faith and credit or revenues, responslbility for funding deficits, and <br />others. <br />As a result of applying the entlty definition criteria, the fo11ow1ng organizatlons <br />have been excluded from the City's £inancSai statements. <br />Excluded: <br />F1re Relief Association - This AssociatSon is organSzed as a nonprofit organization <br />by their members to provide pension and other beneflts to such members in accordance <br />with Minnesota statutes, The board of directors 15 appointed by the membership of <br />the organization. All funding is conducted Sn accordance with Minnesota Statutes, <br />whereby state aids £low to the associations, tax levies are determined by the <br />Association and are only reviewed by the City, and the Association pays benefits <br />directly to theSr members. (See Note 9 for disclosures relating to the pension plan <br />operated by the Associatlon.) <br />Independent School Districts No. 621 and 623: <br />These Districts, like all schooi districts in Minnesota, are completely independent <br />of any other governmental entity. They have their own elected Boards of Education, <br />levy their own taxes and prepare their own financial reports. <br />A. Fund Accounting � <br />The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each <br />of.which Ss consldered a separate accounting entity. The operations of each fund are <br />accounted for with a separate set of self-balancing accounts that comprise its <br />assets, 11aLi11ties, fund equlty, revenues, and expenditures, or expenses, as <br />appropriate. Government resources are aliocated to and accounted for in individual <br />funds based uport the purposes for which they are to be spent and the means by which <br />spending activities are controlled. The various f�nds are gro�ped 1n the financial <br />statements in this report into eight generic fund types and three broad fund <br />categories as follows: <br />GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS <br />General Fund - The General Fund !s the primary operating fund of the CSty. It is <br />used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted <br />for Sn another fund. <br />Special revenue funds - Special revenae funds are used to account for the proceeds <br />of certain speclfic revenue sources that are legally restrlcted to expendltures for <br />specified purposes. <br />Debt service fu�ds - Debt service funds are used to accounG for the accumulation <br />of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal, interest, <br />and related costs. <br />_ 28 _ <br />