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CITY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 31. 1986 <br />Note 1- Summarv of SlQnificant AccountinQ Policies (Continued) <br />they do not affecG net current assets, such long-term amounts are not recognized as <br />governmental fund type expendituces or fund liabilities, They are instead reported <br />as liabilities in the General Long-term Debt Account Group. <br />Proprietary funds are accounted for on a cost of services or "capital maintenance" <br />measurement focus. This means that all assets, including fixed assets, and all <br />1labilities, including long-term 1ia611iLies associated with their activity, are <br />included on their balance sheets, Their reported fund equity is segregated into <br />contributed capital and retained earnings components. Proprietary fund types <br />operating statements present increases (reve�ues) and decreases (expenses) !n net <br />total assets. <br />Fixed assets of the Enterprise funds are capitalized in these funds. Depreciation is <br />charged as an expense aqainst operations, and is provided on Lhe straight-line <br />method. The following table summarizes depreciable llves of types of property. <br />Years <br />Building and structures 25- 40 <br />Furniture, equipment, vehicles 5- 20 <br />Distributlon system 80-100 <br />C. Basis of Accounting <br />Basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are <br />recognized in the accounts and reported in the financial statements. Basis of <br />accoUnting relates to the timing of the measurement made, regacdless of the <br />measurement focus applied. <br />Governmental Pu�ds and Agency funds are accounted for using the modlfied accrual <br />basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues <br />revenues are recorded when susceptible to accrual, S.e., both measurable and <br />available. Available means collectible within the current period or soon enough <br />thereafter to pay current liabillties. All primary sources of revenue are accrued <br />except licenses and permits, charges for services and miscellaneous revenues, which <br />are not qenerally measurable until actually received. Irtterest on special <br />assessments is recognized as revenue when collecLed. <br />Expenditures are generally recognized under the modified acerual basls of accounting <br />when the related fund liability is incurred, except for principal and interest on <br />general lo�g-term debt which is recognized when due, and accumulated unpaid vacation <br />and compensatory Lime off which are recognized when paid. <br />Proprietary Funds are accounted for using the acccual basis of accounting. Revenues <br />are recognized when they are earned, and expenses.are recognized when they are <br />incurred. Unbilled utility service receivables are recorded at year e�d. <br />D, 8udgets and Budgetary Accounting <br />The City adopts an annuai budget for the General and SpecSal Revenue funds which are <br />prepared on the modi£ied accrual basis of accounting. The adopted budget indicates <br />the amount LhaC can be expended by each department and each fund based on detailed <br />budget� estimates for individual expenditure acco�nts. All budyet revisions must be <br />authorized by the City Council at the request of the City Manager, All suppiemental <br />appropriations for 1986 were fi�anced by trans£ers from the Contingency Section of <br />the General Fund hudget. All budget amounts lapse at the end of the year to the <br />extent have �otthey have not been expended. The level which expenditures may not <br />legally exceed appropriations is at the fund level, <br />E. Assets, Liabilities and Fund Equity <br />Investments - Investments are carried aG cost, whlch approximates market. (See note <br />13 for disclosures relating to cash management and SnvesLments.) <br />Property Taxes - Property tax levies are set by the City Council in October each year <br />and are certified Lo the County for collection the following year. <br />-30- <br />