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CITV OF ROSEVILLE. MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />OECEMBER 31, 1988 <br />Note 1- Summar of Si nificant Accountin Policies <br />The City of Rosevilte, Minnesota, was incorporated on May 28, 1948, and became a statutory City on January <br />1, 1974. The City operates under a Councit-Manager form ot government, and provides various services as <br />authorized by State statute, inctuding the following: general government, pu6Lic satety, pubtic vorks, <br />parks and recreation, water and sewer utiLity, and mmmunity deveLopment. <br />The accounting policies of the City of RoseviLLe conform to generaLLy accepted accounting principles ap- <br />pLicabLe to governmental units. The toLLowing is a summary of the more significant poLicies. <br />A. Reporting_Entity <br />The City has implemented the National Councit on Governmentat Accounting Statement No. 3, Definino the <br />Governmental Entity. <br />In accordance with Statement 3, for financiaL reporting purposes the City's financiaL statements include aLt <br />funds, account 9roups, departments, agencies, hoards, commissions and other organizations over vhich City <br />officials exercise oversight responsibitity. <br />Oversight responsibility inctudes such aspects as appointmeni of governing body memhers, budget revieu, <br />approval of property tax levies, outstanding de6t secured by the City's full faith and credit or revenues <br />and responsi6iLity for funding deficits. <br />�-� As a result of appLying the criteria of Statement No. 3 certain orga�izations have been excWded from the <br />City's financial statements as fotlows: <br />Excluded: <br />Firemen's Relief Association - This association is organized as a non-profit organization by it's members to <br />provide pension and other henefits to their respective members in accordance with Minnesota statutes. Their <br />board of directors are elected 6y the memhers. Att tunding is conducted in accordance with Minnesota <br />statutes, uhere6y state aids flow to the association, and tax Levies are determined by the association. The <br />association pays benefits directly to their mem6ers. The association may certify tax tevies to the County <br />directly if the City does not carry out this function. eecause the association is ahLe to fund it's pro- <br />grams independeotly of the City, it is exduded from the reporting entity. (See Note 13 for disclosures <br />retating to the pension ptan operated by the association.) <br />Independent S<hooL Districts No. 621 and 623: <br />These �istricts, Like atL school disiricts in Minnesota, are compLetety independent of any other <br />governmental entity. They have their own eLected Boards ot Education, levy their ovn taxes and prepare <br />their own financial reports. <br />B. Fund Accounting <br />The accounts of the City are organized on the basis of funds and account groups, each of uhich is <br />considered a separate acco�nting entity. The operations of each fund are accou�ted for uith a separate <br />set of sett-batancing accounts that comprise its assets, Lia6itities, fund equity, revenues, and <br />28 <br />