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CITY OF ROSEVILLE, MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS lCONTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 31.1988 <br />Note 1- Summarv of Siqnificant Accountinq Poticies (Continued) <br />percentage increase in households or population, vhi<hever is greater. Levies for bonded indebtedness <br />are not Limited 6y the law. <br />Taxes payable on homestead property (as defined by State statutes) are partially reduced 6y a homestead <br />credit. This credit is paid to the City 6y the State in lieu of taxes levied against homestead property. <br />The State remits this credit in two equal instaLlments in Juty and December each year. <br />Fixed Assets - GeneraL fixed asse[s are not capitalized in the funds used to acquire or construct them. <br />Instead, capi2al acquisition and construction are refLected as expenditures in governmental funds, and the <br />related assets are repor[ed in the generaL fixed assets account group. ALl purchased fixed assets are <br />valued at cost where histroical records are availa6te and at an estimated historical cost where no histori- <br />cal records exist. Donated fixed assets are valued at their estimated fair market vaLue on the date re- <br />ceived. <br />7he costs of normaL maintenance and repairs that do not add to the value of the asset or materialty extend <br />asset Lives are not capitalized. Improvements are capitalized and depreciated over the remaining usefut <br />lives of the related fixed assets, as apptica6Le. � <br />PubLic damain ('infrastructure') general fixed assets consisting of roads, bridges, curhs and gutters, <br />streets and sidevalks, a�d lighting systems are not wpitatized, as these assets are immovable and of vatue <br />only to the government. <br />Assets in the generat fixed assets account group are not depreciated. Depreciation of buitdings, equipment <br />and vehides in the proprietary types is computed using the straight-tine method. <br />Interest is capitatized on proprietary tunds assets acquired with tax-exempt debt. The amount of interest <br />to be [apitaLized is catculated by offsetting interest expense incurred from the date of the borrowing untiL <br />compLetion of the project with interest earned on invested proceeds over the same period. <br />SpeciaL Assessments - Special assessments are Levied against the benefited properties for the assessable <br />costs of speciat assessment improvement projects in accordance with State statutes. The City usualty <br />adopts the assessment roLls when the individuat projects are complete or su6stantiatLy complete. The <br />assessments are cotLectibte over a term of years generatly consistent with the term of years of the <br />related bond issue. ColLection of annuat instaLLments (including interestJ is handled 6y the County in <br />che same manner as property taxes. Property owners are altowed to prepay total future instalLments <br />without interest or prepayment penalties. <br />Inventories - Inventories hetd hy the Enterprise funds are stated at the Lower ot cost or market, using <br />ihe first-in, first-out method. The cost of inventory is recognized as expense at the time the items are <br />sotd or used (consumption method). <br />6titity service charges are rewgnized when earned with no aLLowance for uncoLtecti6Les as delinquent <br />accounts are certified as a Lien against the property biLled. Unbilled utility service charges are <br />inctuded in receivahles at year-end. <br />Encumbrances - Encumbrances represent purchase commitments. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are <br />reported as reservations of fund baLances since they do not constitute expenditures or LiabiLities. <br />32 <br />