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NOTES TO FiNNNCIFL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 31. 1990 <br />Note 1- Sumnarv of Siqnificant Accountina Policies (Continued) <br />PubLic domain ("infrastructure") general fixed assets consisting of roads, bridges, wrbs and gutters, <br />streets and sidewatks, and lighting systems are capitalized, as [hese asseis are imnovabte and of va We only <br />to the 9overrvnent. <br />Assets in the generat fixed assets account group are not deoreciated. Depreciation of 6uildings, equipment <br />and vehicles in The proprietary types is computed using the straighi-line method. <br />Interest is capitalized on proprietary funds assets acquired uith 2ax-exempt debt. The amount of interest <br />to be capitalized is wlcutated by offsetting interest expense incurred from the date of the borrouing until <br />completion of the project uith interest earned on invested proceeds over the same period. <br />Speciat Assessments - Special assessments are levied against the benefited properties for the assessable <br />costs of speciat assessment improvement projecTs in accordance uith State statutes. ?he City usually adopts <br />the assessment rotls uhen the individual projects are comptete or substantially complete. The assessments <br />are coLlectibte over a term of years generally consistent uith the term of years of the relaied bond issue. <br />Collection of annual instaltments (including interest) is handled by the County in the same manner as <br />property taxes. Property ouners are alloued to prepay Cotal future instattments Without interest or prepay- <br />ment penalties. <br />Inventories - Inventories hetd by the Enterprise tunds are s[ated at [he louer of cost or market, using <br />the firsT-in, first-out method. The cosC of inveniory is recognSzed as expense at the time the items are <br />sold or used (consumption method). <br />Utility service charges are recognized uhen earned uith no allouance tor uncollectible as deLinquent <br />accounts are ceriified as a tien against the property billed. Unbilled utility service charges are included <br />in receivabLes at year-end. <br />Encumbranres - Encumbranres represent purchase comnitmenis. Encumbrances outstanding at year-end are <br />reported as reservations of tund balances since they do not cons[iiute expenditures or liabilities. <br />Vacation, Sick and Compensatory Time Off Pay - 7he City compensaTes emptoyees upon termination for unused <br />vacation and compensatory time off. Employees are not compensaxed for unused sick pay upon termination of <br />employment, except upon retirement, at uhich time employees are entitted to one-half ot their accumulated <br />leave up to one month�s pay. Vacation and compensatory time off are accrued uhen earned and sick pay is <br />expensed when payment is made in the proprietary funds. Vacation, compensatory time off, and sick pay are <br />recognized uhen payment is made in the goverrvneniat tunds. Liability for the governmental funds is reflect- <br />ed in the Generet Long-Term Debt Acrount Group representing the City's comnitmeM to tund such casts from <br />future operations. <br />Cash Flows - For purposes of this statement, all highly Iiquid investments (including restricted assets) <br />with a maturity ot three months or less when purchased are considered to be cash equivalents. � <br />CLaims - There are a number of claims for uorker's compensation and tiabitity damage in the internal <br />service funds uhich have occurred but have not yet been comeyed to the City on December 37 of each year. <br />The City prepares an estimate ot Those claims based on historical information and su6sequent events. The <br />amount of the estimate is expensed and shown as a current tiabitity tor the reporting year. <br />Post-Retirement Benefits - The City does no[ provide for employee post reiirement benefits. <br />34 <br />