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all claims in 1991 in �zce�a of $210,000 (1990 - SZ00,000), with <br />no liaits. <br />Th•-program has pronan to b� v�ry aucc�aaful ainc• it vas <br />•stabliah�d in 1980. Propertp taz�s hav� b�en l�vi�d to aupport th� <br />Morkar'a compensation proqzaa only 1 out of tha paat 5 y�ara. <br />Th• Citp, in 1987, �stsblish�d a n�r int�rnal sarvics fund for <br />G�n�ral'Riak Kaaagomant. � tranal�r of $s00,000 vaa aade from <br />th� G�n�ral ?und, vhich pr�viou�ly had b�an r�e�rv�d for <br />�m�rq�ncp and aatural diaaat�ra, to th• n�r Riek Manaq�mant Pund. <br />TLrouqh a,'proc�as of outstandinq claia •xp�ri�nc�, eontinuinq <br />risk aanag�m�nt r�vi�va by aansqom�nt, and th� incr�asinq of tha <br />d�ductibi• on q�n�ral liability aad prop�rtp damaq�, th• City bas <br />b��n loM�rinq it�s inauranc• cost. as part of a lonq ranqs plan <br />o! cost-�lf�ctiv• risk manaq•a�nt, th� Citp inteada to mov• <br />torard Yurth�s s�l!-insuranc�. Tha •stablishment of a rimk <br />ianag�a�nt fund rill �nabl• th• proqraa to d�v�lop in an <br />actuarially souad aann�r. <br />Tb� City aurreatly has a$50,000 doductibl• rith an annual limit <br />of,;$l00,000. Sn addition, 8tat• Lar limits ths Citp'a general <br />liabilitp to $600,000. <br />Oth�r <br />Indepandsnt Audit <br />Stat• laq provid�s that ths City up azranq• for ezamination of <br />its books by a aortifiad public accountaat or tha Stat• Auditor. <br />It Das b��n a lonq-standinq practiw of ths Citp to provide for <br />an annual audit o! Citp r�cords by a c�ztified public accountant. <br />Th� Avditor's opinion haa bean includad in this raport. <br />Certificate o! Achievement <br />Th� Government Finsnca Officers ]►saociatioa of ths �nited States <br />and Canads (6FOA) awarded a C�rtificata of Achiavement for <br />Bzc�il�nc• in Binancial R�portinq to tlf• City of Rosovill�, <br />Minneaota, for its comprehaaaiv� annual linancial report !or the <br />fiscal p�sr �ad�d Dac�mbor 31, 1990. Th• C�rtificata of <br />7►ebf�v�ment is s proatiqioua national arard racoqnisinq conlorm- <br />ancs �rith tho hiqhast standards for pr�paration of atata and <br />local qov�rnment financial reports. <br />Zn orQ�r to b� avardad a C�rtificat� o! ]►chiev�ment, a <br />qov�rnmaatal unit suat publiah an �aaily rsadabl� and •fficiently <br />orqanised comprohansiva annual financial roport, tho contonta of <br />phich suat conlora to proqraa standarde. 8uch CAFR muat aatiafy <br />both qon�rally accapt�d accouatinq principl�s and applicabla <br />l�qal requir�a�nts. <br />7►iC�rtilicat• o! Achi�vam�nt is valid for a pariod ot on� year <br />only. Th• Citp oi Roe�vill• has r�c�iv�d a C�rtificat� o! <br />71chi�vamant for th� laat 12 conaecutiv� yeara (fiacal ysars •nded <br />17 <br />