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Eide Helmeke & Co. <br /><Certified Public Accountants & Consultants <br />INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORS ON THE GENERAL PURPOSE FINANCIAL <br />$TATEHENTS AND SUPPLE2iENTARY INFORHATION <br />To the Honorable Mayor aad <br />Hembers of the City Ccuacil <br />City of Roseville, Hinaesota <br />We have audited the accompanying general purpose finaacial statemeats of ehe city <br />of'Roseville, Hinnasota, as of and for the year ended December 31, 1991, as : <br />listed in the tabie of contents. These general purpose finaacial statements are <br />the ras�onsibility of tha city's mana$emeat. Our respansibility is to express <br />an'bpinioa on these general purpose fiaancial statements based oa our audit. <br />We conducted our sudit in accordance with generally aceepted auditing standards. <br />Those 'staadazds require that ve plaa and perform the audit to obtain reasonable <br />assuraace about vhether ehe financial statements aze free of material misstate- <br />meat. 'Aa audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporeiag the <br />amounts aad disclosures in the financial statemeats. Aa audit also includes <br />assessing ehe accounting principles used and significant estimates made by <br />management, as aell as evaluating the overall fiaancial statement praseatatioa. <br />We believe that ouz audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinioa. <br />In'our opinian, the ganeral purpose financial statements referred to a6ove <br />present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of the city of <br />Roseville, Minnesota, as of December 31, 1991, and the results of its aperatiaas <br />aad the cash flaus of its proprietary fuad types for the year then ended in <br />conformity caith generally accepted accouating principles. <br />Our audit vas made £or the purpose of forming an opinion an the geaeral purpose <br />financial statemeacs takea as a Whole. The combining and individual fund and <br />accounc group financial statements, schedules aad supplemeatary information <br />listed in the table of contents are presented For purpases of additional analysis <br />and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the <br />city 'of Roseville, Hinnesota. Such information has been subjected to the <br />auditiag procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial <br />statements and, in our apinion, is fairly preseated in all material respects in <br />relacion to ehe genezal purpose financiai statements taken as a vhole. <br />The other data included in this comprehensive annual financial report, designated <br />as'"'stacistical section" in the table of cantents, have aot been audited by us <br />and, accozdingiy, ve azpress no opinion on it. <br />�G�L� �lliL�� d � <br />Hareh 25, 1992 <br />Minaeapolis, ilinnesota <br />22 <br />