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CITY OF ROSEVILIE. MINNESOTA <br />NOTES 10 fINANCIAL SUTEXENtS (CONTINUED) <br />DECEMBER 31. 1991 <br />Mote 5 - Soeeiet Assessments <br />Specid Asseswrnts - The p�yeent of oeruin speeial assessaents hes been postpmed in seeordance with <br />applieabte City Caneil poliry or Stete statutea. These �ssessmsnts in the rrovit of 550,316 sre inaluded with <br />the speeiat assessmmts receiveble of the debt se�vite ftrds u of Deeertber 37, 1997. These assessments <br />rill lxeane eolleetibte when the eonditions set forth by Caneil poliey or in the State statutea oeeur. it is <br />inqossible to detenaine whm these eonditio�s will oeeur. <br />Note 6- Due fran Other Caverrments <br />Currmt amounts due from other poverrments on Dacenber 31, 1991 are p�esmtcd betar <br />Ftnd <br />tapital Pro)eets <br />En4erprise <br />TOUL <br />STATE OTHER <br />f 763,140 <br />f 70,002 <br />TOTAL <br />5763,140 <br />70,002 <br />S 7 940 S 70•002 f833.142 <br />The Sanitary Sewer fvd b�tence sheet <enterprise fvds) indie�tes 170,002 due frart other poverrnients. This <br />b�lenee reprasmts the eurrent portian of the deferrad receivW[e due fraw the Metropolitan Yaste Controt <br />Comniasion for pureh�se of the City's seyer interceptors. The b�tance of 5670,833, due f�an the Commission <br />is ahown as a tonp-term receivebte. <br />38 <br />