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ClTY OF ROSEVILLE. MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAI STATENENTS (CONTiNUED) <br />DECEMBER 31. 7991 <br />Note 9- Defined Benefit Pmsion Plens - Statewfde (Contirwcd) <br />PERF: <br />Basie and Coordinated Ptans <br />PEPFf: <br />Statutorv Rates <br />lo ee to er <br />4.44X 4.81% <br />SX 12X <br />Totat eontributions msde by the Ciey durinp fiseal year 1991 yere: <br />PERF: <br />PEPiF: <br />Totels <br />Mwunts <br />Emotoyee Eimlover <br />f 127,443 <br />S 140.471 <br />S 267.854 <br />S t40,327 <br />S 292.116 <br />S 352.443 <br />Reouired <br />Rates <br />10.04X <br />17.56% <br />Percentage of <br />Covered Payroit <br />Eimlovees to er <br />4.6% <br />B.OX <br />S.OBX <br />12.00% <br />The City's eon4rihution for 4he year erded Jtne 30, 1999 to the PERF represented 0.94 percent of totat <br />eo�tributions required of all participating entitiea. for the VEPFF, contri6utions tor the year ended June 30, <br />1991, represented 0.80 percmt of total eontrfbutians required of all partieipating entities. <br />C. Fvding Status ar+d Progress <br />1. Pmsion Bmefi4 Obligation <br />Yhe "pension benefit obtigation" is a starderdized disctosure measure of the presmt vetue of pension benefits, <br />edjusted for the etfetts of projecced satary inereases erd step-rate benefits, estimeted to be payebte in the <br />future as a result ot e�toyee servitt m date. The measure, rhith is the ectuarial presmi vatue of credited <br />projetted benefits, is interxlcd to help users assess the PERA's fvding stetus on a going-concern basis, assess <br />progress made in aetuiulating sufficient essets to psy benefits when due, arxl mnke cmperisons among Public <br />E�loyees Retirement Syste�s and e�oloyers. PERA does not meke separate messurements of assets end pmsion <br />benefit oblipetion tor individusl ceployers. <br />4d <br />