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Eide Helmeke & Co. <br />Certified Public Accountants & Consultants <br />To the Honorabie Mayor and <br />Members of the City Council <br />Ciry of Roseville, Minnesota <br />We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial scatements of the City of Roseville, Minnesota, as <br />of and for the year eaded December 31, 1992, as listed 'm the table of contencc. These general purpose financial <br />s[acements are the responsibiliry of the Ciry's managemeat. Our responsibility is to ezpress an opinion on these <br />general purpose financial scatements based on our audit. <br />We conducted our audit in aaordance with genenUy accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that <br />we plan and perform the audit ro obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial scatements are free <br />of material misstatemen[. An audit includes ezamining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and <br />disclosures in the financial statemencs. An audit also indudes assessing the accounting principles used and <br />sigaificant estimates made by management, as well as eveluating the overall financial statement presentacion. <br />We believe thae our audit provides a reasonabie basis for our opinion. <br />In our opinion, the general purpose financial statemencs referred to abow present fairly, in all material respects, <br />the financial posicioa of the City of Roseville, Minnesora, as of December 31, 1992, and the resules of its <br />operations and the cash flows of its proprietary tund types for the year theu ended in conformiry wich generally <br />accepced accoun[ing principles. <br />Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opiaion on the general purpose financial stacements taken <br />as a wfiole. The combiniag, individual fund and account group fmanciai �a[emencs, schedules and supplementary <br />informadon lisced in the table of wncents are pnsenced for purposes of additionai analysis and are not a <br />required pan of che general purpou financial seatemeats of the City of Roseville, Minnesota. Such informarion <br />has beea subjected to [he auditing procedures applied in the audit of the generai pu:pose 5nancial statemen[s <br />and, in our opinion, is fairly presen[ed in all material respec[s m reladon [o the general purpose financiai <br />s[acemen�s caken as a whole. <br />The other da[a iacluded in this comprehensive annual fmancial report, desi@�ated as 'stans[ical secdoa' in the <br />table of contents, 6ave aoc been audited by us and, accordingly, we express no opinion on ie. <br />�,i� �a.�� d- co . <br />March 19, 1993 <br />Minneapolis, Minaesota <br />23 <br />