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C[TY OF ROSEVILLE MINNESOTA <br />NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS <br />DELEMBER 37. 1992 <br />Note 9- Sinate Emplover Defined Benefit Pension Plen - Volunteer Fire Relief Association (ConSinued <br />Contributions Reouired and Contributions Made <br />Finencial requirmients ot the relief association are determined on an actuarial basis using the entry <br />ege normat actuarial tost method. Normel tost is funded on a current basis. The unfunded actuariaL <br />accrued liability is to be tunded by December 31, 2010. The City's minim�m obtigation is the financiaL <br />requirement for the year less enticipated member contributions end state aids. Any additional payments <br />by the City shatt be used to amortize the unfunded tiability of the reLief assotiation. The funding <br />strategy for normal cost and the unfunded ectueriat accrued liabitity should provide sufficient resources <br />to pay relief essocietion benefits on a timely basis. <br />Total co�tributions to the retief assotiation in 7992 emounted to E176,397, of which S22,000 uas made by <br />the City of Rosevilte. The contributed amounts uere actuarially determined as described above and were <br />based on an attuarial valuation as of Jen�ary t, 7997. The contributions represent tunding for normal <br />cost E97,727 and the amortizetion of the unfunded ectuarial eccrued liebility is E4Z,327. Contributions <br />made by the City of Roseville represent 8.3 percent of covered payroll for the year. The state aid <br />received in 7992, the City�s contribution, plus excess plan interest earnings exteeded current cost and <br />amortization of the unfunded portion. <br />Significant attuarial assunptions used to caipute pension contribution requirements are substentiaLty the <br />same as those used to determi�e the standarized measure of the pension obli9ation. <br />The computation of the pension contribution requiremenis for 7992 uas based on the seme ectuarial <br />essunptions, benefit provision, ectuarial funding method, and other significant factors used to determine <br />pension contribution requirements in previous years. <br />Ten Year Historicel Trend Informetion Nneudited) <br />Ten-year historical trend information reteted to the pension plan is presented in the relief associations annuat <br />financial report. The informetion is presented to eneble the reader to assess the progress mede by the <br />Roseville Fire Fighter�s Relief Association in accufxiLating sufficient essets to pay pension benefits as they <br />become due. [nformation prior to 1987 is not evaitable, houever, for the five years ended 1987, 1988, 1989, 1991 <br />and 1992 respectivety, available assets uere sufticient to fund 65.3%, 71.2%, 78.8Y., 92.5%, 90.8Y, and 93.6ti of <br />the pension benefit obligation. UnfuMed pension benefit obligation represented 371.7%, 296.4%, 197.9�, 62.3%, <br />84.4k and 67.7 �6 of the ennuat payroll for employees covered by the Rosevitle Volunteer Fire Relief Association <br />tor 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991 end 1992 respectively. Shouing unfunded pension benefit obtigation es a percentage <br />of annuat covered payroll approximetely edjust for the etfects of inflation for anatysis purposes. In <br />addition, for the five years ended 1987, 1988, 7989, 1990, 1991,and 7992 the City's contributions to the System, <br />ell made in accordance uith actuarialty determined requirements, uere D.DO%, 71.2R, 8.1, 2.9�, 7.9%, and 8.3% <br />respectively of annuat covered payroLL. <br />Note 10 - lnterfund Pevables and Receivabtes <br />The City uses the pooled investment method for most of it's cesh management program (See note 3). Interfund <br />payabtes and receivables created by the pooled investment program as of December 31, 1992 consists of the <br />follouing: <br />Fund <br />Debt Service - <br />General t�rovement <br />City Hall Bonds <br />Cepitel Projects - <br />Permanent Improvements <br />Econanic Increments <br />Enterprise - <br />Recycling Furd <br />Speciel Revenue <br />Recreation Fund <br />Telecamunications <br />fund <br />General Fund <br />Totals <br />43 <br />Interfund <br />Receivable <br />962,545 <br />46,000 <br />7,000,000 <br />E 20,613 <br />52.029,158 <br />Interfund <br />Pevable <br />8 962,545 <br />9,303 <br />i <br />7,000,000 <br />2,941 <br />3,405 <br />50,964 <br />E2.029.158 <br />