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lr%���C�iTi <br />May 3, 1993 <br />Soaorabl• Mayor aad City Couacil <br />City o! Ros�vill• <br />Ros�villt, Miaa��ota 55113 <br />D�ar Couacil Mamber�t <br />Tha Comprehea�iv 7lanual Piaancial R�port of th� City ot Ros�- <br />ville, Mian��ota, for th• fi�cal y�ar �nd�d Decsmbsr 31, 1992, <br />i� �ubmitt�d h�r�with: <br />iatroductiaa <br />inacco daace with h��itaaa ra. prescrib d by th• Go vernmant <br />Fiaaac• Officers J►�sociation o! the IInited States aad Caaada, th� <br />Americaa Za�tituta of C�rtiiisd Public 1lccouatant�, the <br />Govsznmsat ]►ccouatiag Staadard� Boazd, and the Miaa��ota Stat� <br />1►uditor's Olfic�. <br />Th• zeport i• publi�h�d to provid� to th• Council, to <br />repr��eatativs� of iinancial in�titutioa�, aad to our citizen• <br />d�tail�d information coac�rainq th� finaacial eoaditioa oi ths <br />City. Rs�poa�ibility ior both th� sccurscy of th� pre��nted data <br />aad th� compl�tsa.�s usd lairne�� of th� pr�s�ntation, iacluding <br />all di�clo�ur��, ra�t� with th• City. W� b�li�v� th• data a� <br />pr�ssated i• accurata ia all mat�rial a�p�et�, that it i• <br />pr��eat�d ia a manaer d��iga�d to fairly ��t forth th� iiaaacial <br />po�ieioa aad rt�ult• of op�ration� o! th� City a• m�a�uz�d by ths <br />tinaacial activity of it• variou• fuad�, aad that all di�clo�ure• <br />n�c��sary to �aabl• th� r�ad�r to Qaia th� mauimum uad�r�tandiag <br />of th� City'� liaaacial activity hav� b��a iaclud�d. <br />Th• r�port ws� pr�pared by th� City'• linaac� D�partmant, aad <br />consi�t� of four ��etion�s <br />S�etioa I is th• iatroductory •�etioa aad coatala• tha tabl� of <br />coat�at�, latt�r of tranrmittal, aad oth�r appropriat• mat�rial. <br />Sectioa II i• th• iinaacial •�etioa aad coataia• th• auditor�' <br />opiaioa, th• combin�d financial stat�m•ats, aot�s to th� <br />1 <br />?r,t,u (:1\'IC CE\TER I)RI\'E • ROtiE\'ILLE • �if\\E�t )T.\ • SS11.3-IS��'� <br />GL'--I�iO-"00 • F.�.\ 61?--F90-==i0 <br />