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department administers all park and recreation programs, <br />including the golf course, ice arena, the John Rose Minnesota <br />Oval and is responsible for the maintenance in all twenty-three <br />City-owned parks. <br />The Economic Development Fund accounts for the revenue and <br />expenditures used to promote economic development in the City. <br />The Charitable Gambling Fund accounts for funds collected by the <br />City from licenaed charitable organizations to cover the costs of <br />enforcement of City gambling ordinances. <br />The Telecommunications Fund accounts for the revenues of the <br />cable television franchise feea and the expenditures for communi- <br />cation equipment including cable programing, mobile equipment, <br />and computers. <br />The License Center Fund accounts for funds collected by the City <br />from the sales of auto and recreational licenses and the expendi- <br />tures incurred for providing those services. <br />Debt Service Funds <br />These funde are used for the payment of general obligation and <br />tax increment bond principal and interest. Property taxes, <br />assessments to benefited properties and tax increments provide <br />the necessary revenue. The City has $100,000 in general obliga- <br />tion bonds, $16,360,000 in general obligation improvement bonds, <br />$125,000 of general obligation state highway bonds, and <br />$20,885,000 in general obligation tax increment bonds outstanding <br />at the end of 1993. <br />Capital Proiecte Funds <br />Capital projecta <br />resources used for <br />equipment. <br />funds are used to account for financial <br />the acquisition of capital facilities and <br />The Permanent Improvement Fund accounta for expenditures made <br />during the construction, renovation or installation of facilities <br />of a permanent nature. Revenue to Einance these improvements <br />came from general property taxes, interest and inter-governmental <br />revenue. Expenditures of $639,217 were made from this fuad in <br />1993. <br />The Equipment Fund accounte for the purchase of heavy maehinery <br />and other motorized type equipment. Revenue for the financing of <br />this equipment comes from the user department, interest, inter- <br />governmental revenue, and property taxes. 1993 expenditures made <br />from this fund were $286,'715. <br />The State Grant Recreation Fund accounts for monies to be used <br />for the acquisition of land and the development of parks. <br />The Minnesota State Aid fund accounts for revenues and <br />