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CITY OP ROSBVILLB <br />NOT65 TO PINANCZAL STATHM8NT5 <br />DHCSMBeR 31. 1994 <br />N 3- C h d T m Inveetments (Con[inuedl <br />Uee of the pooled method of inveetmente reeulte in periodic ovezdra£te in certain funde. On December 31, 1994 fund <br />eguity and advancee coneiated of the following: <br />General Pund <br />Special Revenue P�nd <br />Oebt Service Pund <br />Capital Projecta Pund <br />Sntexpriee Pund <br />Intemal Service <br />Txust and Agency <br />Soeal 6quity <br />Lees: advac�cee <br />zeetricted eaeh <br />Pooled Caah and <br />inveetmente <br />Hquity in <br />Invee[ment Pool <br />$ J,59],522 <br />1,419,43"1 <br />5,000.909 <br />16.]25,308 <br />2,193.233 <br />1,649,641 <br />1.312.')3] <br />$ 32,478.28] <br />(5 3.090,292) <br />( 696.244) <br />$ 28.691.'J51 <br />Due to <br />Other Punde <br />$2,123,529 <br />3,466 <br />955,229 <br />8,068 <br />$3,090,292 <br />The eaeh and caeh equivalente zelated epeeifically to Che entezpriae funde are ae follove: <br />Caeh and caeh equivalente for all entexpziee funde $2.0'/6,909 <br />Reetricted eaah and eaeh equivalente <br />£oz all enteYpTiee £uxlde. 696.244 <br />Total cash and caeh eguivalente <br />of a11 entexpriee funda as of Deeembex 31, 1994 52.'I'/3.233 <br />Note 4 - Snecial Aeeesemente <br />Special Aeeeeamente - The payment o£ <ertain epeeial aeeesemente hae been poetponed in aeeordance with applicable City <br />Council policy or State etatutee. Theae aeeeeementa in the amount of $B3,5oe are included with the epeeial aeeeeementa <br />zeceivable of the debt eervice £uc�de ae o£ December 31, 1994. Theee aeeeeemente will become eollecCible vhen the <br />conditione eet Eorth by Council policy or in the State etatutae occur. It ie imposeible to datexmine when theee <br />conditions will occur. <br />Note 5- Due £zom Othes Govemmente � <br />CUrrent amounte due from othex governmente on December 31, 1994 are preaented below: <br />Pund <br />Bnterpriee <br />OTHSFt <br />5 '!8,'/43 <br />TOTAL 5 '/8.943 <br />The Sanitary Sever fund balanee eheet (entespriae £unde) indieatee $]e,]43 due £mm other governmente. Thie balanee <br />zepreaente the curren[ portion of the deferred receivable due fsnm the Metzopolitan Waete Control Commieeion Eor purchaee <br />of the Ciey'e aewer interceptore. The balance of $443,5]4 due from the Co�iaeion ie ehown ae a long-tezm reeeivable. <br />Note 6- Fixed Aeeete/Pzooertv and B4uinment <br />Changes in the Geneial Pixed Aeeet Accovc�t Group for 1994 were ae follova: <br />Land <br />Buildings <br />Improvementa <br />othez than <br />buildinge <br />Machinezy and <br />eguipment <br />Conetruction <br />in progseee <br />Total <br />ealance Balanee <br />Januazy 1, December 31, <br />1994 Additione Diepoeals 1994 <br />$ 3,813,695 $ 85,238 $ 166,99'/ $ 3,]31,936 <br />6,59�,680 4,142,'!06 8]0,819 9,869,56] <br />58,'l18,829 5,92],0'/6 455,248 63�990,65] <br />6,384,69] 1,8]3,809 463,29'1 '/,]95,209 <br />629.393 1'/5.309 629,293 1]5.309 <br />5]6,144.194 $12,004,138 52.585,654 505.562.6'/8 <br />35 <br />