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CITY OP ROSBVILLB <br />NOTHS TO PINANCIAL STARBMHNTS <br />DBC6MBSA 31. 1994 <br />N t ] - Lonq-Texm Debt (Continuedl <br />Aeczued vacation and eeverance pay addition ie net o£ any changee within the related employee benefit accounte for the <br />year. <br />On PebHazy 10, 1994, the City ieeved $8,640,000 in general obligation bonde with an average interest rate of 4.23i to <br />refvnd $8,640,000 of general obligation improvement bonde with average intereet raGee zanging fsom 6.034 to ].086. The <br />net proceede of $8,553,600 (a£[er payment of $86,40o in diecomte, legal ac�d other ieevance coete) plue additional Eunde <br />on hand of $281,698.]5, wese ueed to pur<haee U.S. Govesnment aecurities. Those eecuritiee were depoeited in an <br />irrevocable trust with an eecrow agent to provide for all future debt aervice paymente on General Obligation Impmvement <br />Seziea 14,15.16, and 1'/. Ae a reeult, theee Series o£ bonde are eonaidezed paid and the liability for thoee bonde has <br />been removed from the general long tesm debt account group. <br />The advance refunding of the general obligation impmvement 6onde will redute the total debt eervice paymente over the <br />next 12 yeaze by $1,046,183 and obtained an economic gain (diEference between the preeent value o£ the debt eervice <br />paymente on the o1d and new debt) o£ $'/52,118. <br />The City defeaeed eeveral debt ieevee in 1990 and called two ieeuee; one in 1990 and one in 1991. The balance of <br />defeaeed debt outetanding ae o£ Decembez 31. 1994 ie 5344.�58. Total aeeete in the eecmw ae of Decembes 31, 1994 have <br />a book value of 53'11,41'I. It ie expected that interee[ earninge on the aeaete combined vith the pzintipal will provide <br />more than euf£icient revenue for the life of the eecrow. <br />Note e- Defined Benefit Penaion Plane - Statewide <br />A. Plan Deecription <br />All full-time and eertain part-time employeee of the City are covered by defined beneEit peneion plane adminietered by <br />the Public employeee Retirement Aaeociation of Mi�eeota (P%RA). PaItA a�inieteza the Public Bmployeee Retirement Pund <br />(PHRF) and the Pubic 6mployeea Police and Pire Pund (PSPPP) which are coet eharing multiple-employer retixement plans. <br />P6RF members belong to either the Coordinated Plan oz the Baeic Plan. Coozdinated membere are covered by Social Security <br />and Haeic membere aze not. All new membexe muet participate in the Coordinated Plan. All police officere, fixe fightera <br />and peace o£fieere who qualify for membezehip by s[atute are covered by the PaPFP. The payroll for employeee covered <br />by PSRP and P6PPP Eoz the year ended Decembez 31, 1994, wae $3,38'/,134 and $2,241,413 reepeetively: the City'e total <br />payroll wav $5,839,154. <br />pera pmvidee retirement bene£ita ae well ae dieability bene£ite to membera, and benefits to eurvivoxe upon death o£ <br />eligible membere. SeneEits are eetabliehed by State Statute, and veet after thzee yeare oE czedited aervice. The <br />defined retirement bene£ite are baeed on a member'e higheet average ealary Eor any five eucceeaive yeare of allowable <br />service, age, and yeare of credit at tezmination oP eervice. 14ro methode are ueed to compute bene£ite for Coordinated <br />and easic membere. The retizing member zeceivee the higher o£ etep-rate beneEit accrual foxmula (Me[hod 1) or a level <br />accrual foxmula (Method 2). <br />Under Method 1, the annuity actxual rate £or a Saeic member ie 2 pereent o£ average salary for eaeh o£ the £iret 1� yeare <br />of service and 2.5 pexcent for each remaining year. Por a Coordinated mamber, the azmuity aecrual rate is 1 percent <br />of average ealary for each o£ the Eirat i0 yeare and 1.5 percent for each zemaining year. Ueing Method 2, the annuity <br />accsual rate ie 2.5 peicent o£ avexage ealary fox Baeic membeie and 1.5 percent for Coozdinated membeie. Por PHPPP <br />members, the azss�uity acerual rate ie 2.65 percent £or each yeaz o£ eerviee. Poz PHRP membere -whoee axu�uity ie <br />calculated using Method 1, and for all P6PPP membere, a full axu�uity ie available when age plue years of eervice equal <br />90. <br />There are diF£erent typee of azmuitiee available to membere upon retirement. A normal azu�uity ie a lifetime <br />annuity [hat ceaees upon [he death of the retiree. No eurviwr annuity ie payable. There are aleo various types of <br />joint and eurvivor annuity optione available whith will reduce the monthly normal azinuity amount, beca�ee the az�nuity <br />ie payable over joint livae. Membere may aleo leave theiz contributione in the £und upon texmination of pablic eervice, <br />in order to quali£y for a deferred a*uiuity at retirement age. ReFunda of contributione are available at any time to <br />members who leave public eervice, but before retirement beneEits begin. <br />B. Contributione Required and Contiibutione Made <br />Mimmeeota Statutee Chapter 353 eete the ratee foz employer and employee contributions. The City makes acu�ual <br />contributione to the peneion plane equal to the amount required by etate atatvea. According to MiMeeota Statuee Chapter <br />356.215, Sud. 4(g) the daCe o£ full funding reguized for PSRP and PBPPF ie the year 2020. As part o£ the annual actuarial <br />valuation, PHRA'e actuary detesmi�ee [he aufficiency of Che etatvtory contzibution ratee tovarde meeting ffie requized <br />full funding deadline. <br />38 <br />