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CITY OF ROSBVILLS <br />NOTHS TO PZNANCIAL STATSM6NT5 <br />DBCHMBSA 31. 1994 <br />N t 9 S 1 Bm 1 D f' d S £�t P P1 - V 1 t F' R 1'e£ Aeeociation (Continued) <br />Contributione to the relief aeeociation £mm the City in 1994 totaled $116,00�. The future actvarial detexmined <br />contributione repreeent funding foz nozmal coet $13o, 000 and the amortization of the uxsfunded actuarial acexued liability <br />ie 5139,000. Contzibutione made by the City o£ Roeeville repreeent 38.5 percent o£ covered payzoll for the year. <br />The payroll for employeee covered by the relie£ aeaoeiation for the yeai ended December 31, 1994, was $300,941; the <br />City'e total pa}2o17 vae�$S�B39�154. <br />State aid received in 1994 totaled $182,540. <br />Signi£icanY aetuarial aeeumptione uaed to compute peneion contribution reguiremente aze <br />the benefiee veze intreaeed. The computation of the peneion eontribution requiremenCs <br />actuarial aeeumptione, actuarial £unding method, and othez eigni£ieant faetore veed to <br />reguiremente ae in previove yeare. <br />T Y H' [orical Tiend Znformatio� (Onaudited) <br />subatantially the eame except <br />for 1994 was based on the eame <br />detezmine peneion contxibution <br />Ten-year hietorieal trend infoxmation related to the peneion plan ie preeented in the relief aeaoeiatione annual <br />£inancial report. Thie in£ormation ie prosented to enable the reader to aeseae [he pmyreee made by the Roeeville Pire <br />Fighter'e Relief Aeeociation in accumulating eufficient aeee[e to pay peneion benefite ae they become due. Sn£oxmation <br />prior to 198'! ie not available, however, for the eight yeaze ended 198'/, 1988, 1989� 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994 <br />seopectivaly, available aeeete were eufficient to fund 65.3}, �1.24, ]B.Bt, 92.Si, 90.Bk, 93.64, '16.1% and �5.54 of the <br />peneion bene£it obligation. Unfundad penaion benefit obligaCion repzaeented 3'/l.'/i, 296.4}, 19'l.9}� 62.3t, 84.4i, 6�.�4, <br />264.2% and 304.84 of the a�uival payznll for employeea covered by the Roeeville Volunteei Fire Relief Aaeociation Eor <br />1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994 xespeetively. Showing unfunded pansion bene£it obligation aa a percentage <br />o£ annual covered payroll approximately adjuete for the e£fects o£ inflation for analysie puspoeee. Zn addition, £or <br />ehe eight yeare ended 198], 3988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993 and 1994 the City'e contributione to the Syetem, all made <br />in accoxdance with aetuazially detezmined iequizemente. wexe O.00F, 11.2}, g,l, 2.9�, ].94, 8.3$, 56.6k and 33.'/6 <br />zeepectively of az�nual covered payroll. <br />Note 30 - Interfund Pavablee and Receivablee <br />The City ueee the pooled inveetment method for moet o£ it'e caeh mazvagement pmgzam (See note 3J. Ineesfund <br />pdyablea and receivables cieatGd by the pooled inveatment pzvgiam de OE Decembes 31, 1994 coneieta o£ the <br />following: <br />Pund <br />Capital Projecte - <br />pev�manent Impxovemente <br />aconomic Increm<nte <br />entexpriee - <br />water <br />Recycling Pund <br />Special Revenue <br />Reeieation Pund <br />Teleco�unieatione <br />Pund <br />Truet and Agency <br />General P�nd <br />Totale <br />Interfund <br />Receivable <br />$ 'l11,903 <br />1,492,500 <br />885,889 <br />53 090 292 <br />InterEund <br />Pavable <br />$ 939,569 <br />15,660 <br />2,lO1,fi93 <br />21,836 <br />8,068 <br />53 090 292 <br />N te 11 - Claims Workeme' Comnenaation Self-Ineuzanee Pund <br />A liability of 5420,000 vae incurred, ae eet by Seate atatute, for the death of a City police o£ficer in 1982. <br />The City ie ael£-ineured and ie reeponaible £or $120,000 oE thie liability. The Workere' Compeneation Aeinsurance <br />Asaociation, a nonpm£ie organization eetabliehed by State Statute ie zeeponaible for [he remaining balance o£ the total <br />liability. The City'e liability on Deeember 31. 1994 wae $21,3')0. <br />Note 12 - Intexfund Tranafexs <br />Punds aze tranaferred Erom one £und to support expendituree o£ othez funde in accordanee with the authority <br />eetabliehed £or the individual fund. <br />43 <br />