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• :• <br />. . .:. -„ �. • <br />�:����:�; •• � <br />Note14._�iisk_Management <br />The City is exposed to vazious risks of loss related to torts; theft of, damage to, and the des[ruction of assets; errors and omissions: <br />injuries [o employees; and natural disasters. The City established intemal service funds in 1980 and 1987 respectively, to account foc <br />workers' compensation and general liability risk. <br />The Workers' Compensation Fund provides coverage up to a maximum of $250,000 for each claim. The City purchases excess loss <br />coverage from the Workers' Compensation Reinsurance Association, a nonprofit organization established by State Starute. <br />The Risk Management Fund provides comprehensive general liabiliry and comprehensive automotive liability up to the starutory <br />maximum of $600,000. The Ciry retains the risk of the first $50,000 of each occurrence with an annual mazimum exposure of <br />$100,000. <br />While all funds participate in the program, only enterprise funds make direct payments to the Workers' Compensa[ion Fund and the <br />Risk Management Fund. An annual taz is levied for all other operatiag funds. Enterprise fuad chazges and the property tac lery aze <br />based on a management estimate of claims history and the amount necessary to maintain catastrophe reserves. The reserves as of <br />December 31, 1995, were $874,111 and $1,048,439 for the Workers' Compensation Fund and Risk Management Fund respectively. <br />The claims liability of $30,457 and $4,000 respectively reported in both funds at December 31, 1995 is based on the requiremenu of <br />Governmental Accounting Standards Boazd Statement No. 10, which requires that a liabiliry for claims be reported if information prior <br />to the issuance of the fmancial statements indicates that it is probable that a liabiliry has been incurred at the date of the fmancial <br />statements and the amount of the loss can be reasonably estimated. Changes in the Funds' claims liabiliry amount in fiscal 1994 and <br />1995 were: <br />1994 <br />1995 <br />Siorket's_Gompensation_Fund <br />Beginning of Fiscal Current Yeaz Claims and <br />YrazLiabiliry �hangesinEs[imates C'la;m� Payments <br />$ 30,197 $ 89,784 $ 86,611 <br />33,370 48,048 50,961 <br />BiskManagement.Fund <br />Beginning of Fiscal <br />YeacLia6ility <br />1994 $ 4,000 <br />1995 4,000 <br />No�e..15 -Deferre�CompensarionPlan <br />Current Year Claims and <br />Changes_in_Estima[es <br />$ 8,970 <br />100,162 <br />�laims_P_ayments <br />$ 8,970 <br />100,162 <br />Balance at <br />Eiscat_Year End <br />$ 33,3'10 <br />30,457 <br />Balance at <br />Eiscal_Year End <br />$ 4,000 <br />4,000 <br />The City offers its' employees a deferred compensation plan established in accordance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457. The <br />plan, available to all employees, permits them to defer a ponion of their salary until fumre years. The deferred compensation is not <br />avaitable to employees until termination, retirement, death, or unforeseeable emergency. <br />All amounts of compensation deferred under the plan, all property and rights purchased with those amounts, and all income attributable <br />to those amounts or rights aze (until paid or made available to the employee or other beneficiary) solely the property and rights of the <br />Ciry, subject only to claims of the City's general creditors. Participants' rights under the plan are equal to those of the Ciry in an <br />amount equa] to the fair mazket vatue of the deferred account for each participant. Plan assets of $1,698,683 at December 31, 1995 <br />aze shown in the financial statements as a"Deposits with Trustees" in the agency funds with a corresponding credit to deposits payable. <br />'m' <br />