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CITY OF ROSEVII.LE MINNESOTA <br />STATE[�NT OF REVENUES EEXPENDITURES AND CHANGES <br />IN FUND BALANCE - BUDGET AND ACTUAL - GENERAL FUND <br />YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31. (995 <br />With Comparntive Acnul Amounis for Year Ended December 31, 1994 <br />1995 <br />Budga <br />As Amended <br />Revenues <br />General property tax $ 3,516,57I <br />Intergovernmental revenue 1,601,676 <br />License and permits 181,500 <br />Charges for service 912,766 <br />Fines and forfeits 130,000 <br />Miscellaneous 49�,110 <br />Tote] revenues $ 6,839,623 <br />Expenditures <br />Current <br />Generat government S 1,210,722 <br />Public Safety 3,959,068 <br />Public works 1,337,862 <br />Other 383,(02 <br />Capital ouflay 283,257 <br />Total expenditures $ 7,174,011 <br />Ezcess of revenue over <br />(under) expenditures S (334,388) <br />Other Financing sources (uses) <br />Operating transfers - Out $ (44,973) <br />Total other financing <br />so�rces (uses) 5 (44,973) <br />Excess of revenue and <br />other sources over <br />(under) ezpendi[ures <br />and other uses $ (379,361) <br />Fund balance January 1 3,359,685 <br />Fund balance December 3l $ 2,980,324 <br />AcNel <br />S 3,584,403 <br />1.924,834 <br />208,402 <br />948,040 <br />109,415 <br />321,409 <br />$ 7,096,503 <br />$ 1,191,792 <br />4,013,809 <br />1,294,337 <br />225,632 <br />234,472 <br />5 6,96Q042 <br />5 136,461 <br />$ (44,973) <br />5 (44,973) <br />S 91,488 <br />3,446,041 <br />$ 3,537,529 <br />$2 <br />Verinnce <br />Favoreble <br />(Unfavorable) <br />$ 67,832 <br />323,158 <br />26,902 <br />35,274 <br />(20,585) <br />(175,701) <br />S 256,880 <br />$ 18,930 <br />(54,741) <br />43,525 <br />157,470 <br />as,�as <br />3 213,969 <br />$ 470,849 <br />5 470,849 <br />S 557,205 <br />FORM FI <br />1994 <br />Ac[ust <br />$ 3,121,65t <br />1,943,124 <br />198,68] <br />1,196,774 <br />116,969 <br />266,228 <br />S 6,843,427 <br />5 1,126,815 <br />3,927,137 <br />t,251,540 <br />341,330 <br />92,849 <br />$ 6,739,671 <br />S ]03,756 <br />S (17,400) <br />$ (17,400) <br />$ 86,356 <br />3,359,685 <br />S 3,446,041 <br />